Suzy Greenberg as performed by Phish

Suzy Greenberg was played at 22.03% of live Phish shows.
It was last played July 19, 2024, which was 36 shows ago.
There have been 1,985 shows since the live debut.
“Suzy Greenberg” has been played approximately once every 4.5 shows.
Since its debut, “Suzy Greenberg” has been played, on average, once every 4.4 shows.
It was played 450 time(s) at the following show(s):

Date Venue Gap Set Song Before Song After Notes Comments
1987-02-13 Johnson State College 58 1 Alumni Sanity First known version; Dude of Lif...
1987-02-21 Slade Hall, University of Ve... 1 2 Fire Dear Mrs. Reagan
1987-08-09 Nectar's 12 2 Harpua ***
1987-08-29 The Ranch 4 1 Lushington > HYHU
1987-08-29 The Ranch 0 1 HYHU > Mustang Sally (Hold Your Head Up and Sussudio quotes )
1987-09-21 Nectar's 6 2 BBFCFM > Alumni
1987-11-19 Hunt's 13 3 Jam > Possum
1988-01-27 Gallagher's 4 3 Lizards Golgi
1988-02-07 Nectar's 2 3 *** > TMWSIY Stopped in the intro as Trey jok...
1988-02-26 Living and Learning Center, ... 5 1 Curtain > YEM
1988-03-21 Nectar's 5 1 *** Golgi
1988-03-22 Nectar's 1 1 Golgi YEM
1988-04-22 University of Vermont 7 1 YEM Ya Mar
1988-05-15 Beecher Hill Farm 11 1 YEM GTBT
1988-05-22 Nectar's 1 3 Curtain With ***
1988-05-24 Nectar's 2 1 Sneakin' Sally Fire
1988-06-15 The Front 4 1 *** Alumni
1988-06-19 Nectar's 2 1 La Grange Big Leg Emma
1988-06-21 Nectar's 2 1 Mustang Sally > Curtain
1988-07-07 The Front 4 2 Mockingbird GTBT
1988-07-11 Sam's Tavern 2 1 Satin Doll Curtain With (Dave's Energy Guide tease)
1988-07-29 The Roma 6 2 *** Skin It Back
1988-07-30 The Roma 1 2 Funky Bitch She Caught the Katy Fish absent, Trey on drums.
1988-08-03 Fly Me to the Moon Saloon 1 2 *** > Light Up
1988-08-04 The Roma 1 2 Dog Log Mike's
1988-08-13 The Front 6 1 Light Up > Alumni
1988-08-22 Nectar's 4 1 Cities Lizards
1988-10-29 Sculpture Room, Goddard College 14 1 *** > Lizards (Sailor's Hornpipe tease)
1988-11-03 Molly's Cafe 1 3 *** Foam
1988-11-05 Sigma Phi Fraternity, Hamilt... 2 3 Icculus Sparks (Sailor's Hornpipe tease)
1989-01-26 The Paradise 13 2 *** Icculus
1989-02-06 The Front 4 1 *** Curtain
1989-02-07 The Front 1 3 Fluffhead > Slave (Theme from Woody Woodpecker tease)
1989-03-01 Gallagher's 8 1 Walk Away > Mike's
1989-04-15 Billings Lounge, UVM 16 2 SOAMelt > Fluffhead
1989-04-20 Humphries House (The Zoo), A... 2 1 Esther Sloth (Sailor's Hornpipe tease)
1989-05-06 Collis Center, Dartmouth Col... 10 2 Donna Lee Contact (Linus and Lucy tease)
1989-05-13 The Orange Grove 5 2 *** > Bold As Love (Theme from The Flintstones tease)
1989-05-28 Ian McLean's Party, Connie C... 8 1 Esther YEM
1989-08-12 Burlington Boathouse 12 2 Blue Sky Bag (Sunshine of Your Love and Sailor's Hornpipe teases )
1989-08-17 The Front 2 1 Ya Mar McGrupp
1989-08-19 Collis Center, Dartmouth Col... 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > > TMWSIY
1989-08-26 Townshend Family Park 3 3 Avenu Malkenu Dinner and a Movie
1989-09-09 Dining Commons, Bennington C... 6 1 Oh Kee Pa > Rhombus Narration
1989-09-14 MacPhie Pub, Tufts University 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > YEM
1989-10-01 The Front 4 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Antelope (Purple Haze tease)
1989-10-07 Chase Hall, Bates College 2 1 Weekapaug Fee
1989-10-21 The Front 6 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Wilson
1989-10-22 The Front 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > Ya Mar (Purple Haze tease)
1989-10-31 Goddard College 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > YEM
1989-11-10 Sigma Phi House, Hamilton Co... 5 1 Oh Kee Pa > Rocky Top
1989-11-16 Pearl Street Ballroom 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > MSO
1989-11-30 The Paradise 2 2 'A' Train > > Contact (Theme from The Brady Bunch and Long Tall Glasses teases )
1989-12-03 The Front 3 2 Oh Kee Pa > SOAMelt
1989-12-07 8x10 Club 3 2 Oh Kee Pa > Rocky Top
1989-12-08 Withey Hall Dining Room, Gre... 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > SOAMelt
1989-12-30 The Wetlands Preserve 5 2 Ya Mar > Foam
1990-01-20 Webster Hall, Dartmouth College 5 2 Oh Kee Pa > Bouncin' (Purple Haze tease)
1990-01-25 Penny Post 1 e *** Communication Breakdown (Purple Haze tease)
1990-01-28 The Front 3 1 *** SOAMelt
1990-02-01 The Georgia Theatre 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > Caravan
1990-02-09 Chameleon Club 7 1 Oh Kee Pa > YEM
1990-02-10 23 East Cabaret 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > YEM
1990-02-15 The Living Room 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > Divided
1990-02-23 Dining Center, Haverford Col... 4 2 Oh Kee Pa > Mike's (Low Rider and Purple Haze teases )
1990-03-02 The Chance 4 2 Oh Kee Pa > Bouncin' (Purple Haze tease)
1990-03-03 The Wetlands Preserve 1 e *** ***
1990-03-08 Aiko's 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > 'A' Train (Purple Haze tease)
1990-03-11 The Front 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > TMWSIY
1990-03-28 Beta Hockey Team Party 4 1 Oh Kee Pa > 'A' Train
1990-04-05 J.J. McCabe's 5 1 Oh Kee Pa > YEM
1990-04-06 El Dorado Café 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Antelope
1990-04-08 Fly Me to the Moon Saloon 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > Uncle Pen (Third Stone From the Sun tease)
1990-04-12 The Inferno 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Tweezer
1990-04-14 The Inferno 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Tweezer (Stairway to Heaven tease)
1990-04-21 Canyon West Room 4 1 Oh Kee Pa > Bike (Stairway to Heaven, Walk This Way, and How High the Moon teases )
1990-04-22 Cutler Quad, Colorado College 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > Possum
1990-04-26 Dionysus Club, The 'Sco, Obe... 3 2 Oh Kee Pa > Cavern
1990-04-28 The Strand Theater 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > Uncle Pen
1990-05-10 Pearl Street Ballroom 8 1 *** Uncle Pen
1990-05-19 The Upper, St. Paul's School 5 2 Oh Kee Pa > Fee
1990-05-23 The Library 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > Uncle Pen (Stairway to Heaven tease)
1990-05-30 The Pterodactyl Club 4 2 Oh Kee Pa > Sloth
1990-05-31 The Georgia Theatre 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > GTBT (Dixie tease)
1990-06-05 Cat's Cradle 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > 'A' Train
1990-06-07 The Bayou 2 1 *** > The Chase
1990-06-08 23 East Cabaret 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Antelope
1990-06-09 The Wetlands Preserve 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Antelope
1990-06-16 Townshend Family Park 1 3 Oh Kee Pa > Fee (Happy Birthday to You tease)
1990-06-17 Wendell Recording Studio ø 1 Uncle Pen Suzy
1990-06-17 Wendell Recording Studio ø 1 Suzy Caravan
1990-09-14 The Living Room 5 1 *** Bouncin'
1990-09-20 Somerville Theatre 5 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Possum (Heartbreaker tease)
1990-09-22 Student Union Ballroom, Univ... 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > Magilla (Chariots of Fire tease)
1990-09-28 The Chance 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > Stash
1990-10-01 The Haunt 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > ***
1990-10-05 Skidmore Gymnasium, Skidmore... 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > Stash
1990-10-06 The Capitol Theatre 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > Esther
1990-10-08 The Bayou 2 2 *** Stash
1990-10-10 Trax 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > Coil
1990-10-12 Cat's Cradle 2 1 *** YEM
1990-10-17 The Pterodactyl Club 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > ***
1990-10-19 The Cotton Club 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > GTBT
1990-10-20 Solomon's 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > Communication Breakdown
1990-10-22 Tipitina's 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > Divided
1990-10-27 Rhythm Room 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > Antelope
1990-10-30 El Dorado Café 1 1 Asse Festival > Uncle Pen
1990-10-31 Armstrong Hall 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > > HYHU
1990-11-02 Glenn Miller Ballroom, Unive... 1 2 *** Forbin's
1990-11-03 Boulder Theater 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Magilla
1990-11-04 Fort Ram 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > JJLC (Caravan tease)
1990-11-06 The Cabooze 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > Foam
1990-11-08 The Great Hall, University o... 1 2 *** > Divided (Theme from Woody Woodpecker tease)
1990-11-09 Lounge Ax 1 1 *** Landlady
1990-11-10 Earlham College 1 2 *** YEM
1990-11-16 Campus Club 2 1 *** Buried Alive
1990-11-17 Somerville Theatre 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Bowie (Low Rider and Hey Nineteen teases )
1990-11-24 The Capitol Theatre 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Bowie
1990-11-28 Clement's Brew Pub 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > Hood
1990-11-30 The Colonial Theatre 1 e Oh Kee Pa > ***
1990-12-02 The Front 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > Rocky Top Dave Grippo on saxophone.
1990-12-07 Robert Crown Center, Hampshi... 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > > HYHU
1990-12-29 Campus Club 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > ***
1990-12-31 World Trade Center 1 1 *** > Divided
1991-02-02 Alumni Gymnasium 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > Guelah
1991-02-03 The Front 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > *** (Sailor's Hornpipe tease)
1991-02-09 John M. Greene Hall, Smith C... 4 e Lawn Boy ***
1991-02-19 The Bayou 4 2 Oh Kee Pa > Rocky Top
1991-02-21 Trax 2 e *** *** (Under Pressure tease)
1991-02-22 Cat's Cradle 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > > HYHU
1991-02-27 Arnold’s Flamingo Grill 3 2 *** > Buried Alive
1991-03-01 The Georgia Theatre 2 e Oh Kee Pa > ***
1991-03-08 College Station Theater 4 1 Oh Kee Pa > SOAMelt (Auld Lang Syne and Stairway to Heaven teases )
1991-03-09 Tipitina's 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > Coil
1991-03-13 Boulder Theater 1 2 *** SOAMelt
1991-03-16 Ten Mile Room 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Antelope (Reba tease)
1991-03-22 The Inferno 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Antelope
1991-03-28 The Catalyst 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > > HYHU
1991-04-02 International Beer Garden 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > CDT
1991-04-04 WOW Hall 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > YEM
1991-04-05 Starry Night 1 e Oh Kee Pa > ***
1991-04-12 Barrymore Theatre 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > Stash
1991-04-18 Dionysus Club, The 'Sco, Obe... 4 2 Horn > SOAMelt
1991-04-20 Douglass Dining Center, Univ... 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > Sweet Adeline
1991-04-22 Billings Lounge, UVM 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > Tweezer
1991-04-25 Field House, UNH 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Bowie
1991-04-27 The Capitol Theatre 2 1 Lizards Stash
1991-05-04 Somerville Theatre 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > Cavern
1991-05-11 The Front 3 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Tweeprise
1991-05-17 Campus Club 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > TMWSIY
1991-05-18 The Marquee 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Curtain
1991-07-11 Battery Park 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Divided Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-12 The Colonial Theatre 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > *** Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-13 Berkshire Performing Arts Ce... 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Alumni Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-14 Townshend Family Park 1 2 *** Caravan Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-15 The Academy 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Landlady Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-18 Hampton Casino Ballroom 1 1 Guelah Stash Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-19 Somerville Theatre 1 2 *** > Divided Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-20 Arrowhead Ranch 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > Landlady Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-21 Arrowhead Ranch 1 e2 Fee > *** Giant Country Horns, Stevo Nelso... (And the Cradle Will Rock... quote)
1991-07-23 The Bayou 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > Stash Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-24 Trax 1 2 Frankenstein *** Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-25 Cat's Cradle 1 1 Foam > Divided Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-26 The Georgia Theatre 1 1 Foam Cavern Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-27 Variety Playhouse 1 1 Oh Kee Pa > Cavern Giant Country Horns. (Sailor's Hornpipe tease)
1991-09-27 The Warehouse 4 2 Oh Kee Pa > YEM
1991-09-29 The Agora Ballroom 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > ***
1991-10-02 The Cubby Bear 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > Memories
1991-10-04 Barrymore Theatre 2 1 Sparkle Magilla
1991-10-06 Cochran Lounge, Student Unio... 2 1 *** Foam
1991-10-10 EMU Ballroom, University of ... 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > Fee
1991-10-15 International Beer Garden 4 2 Oh Kee Pa > > HYHU (Theme from Spider-Man and T.V. Show quotes )
1991-10-17 Great American Music Hall 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Bowie
1991-10-19 The Catalyst 2 1 Landlady > > It's Ice
1991-10-24 Crystal Ballroom, Hotel St. ... 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > Foam
1991-11-02 Lory Student Center Theatre,... 7 1 *** Curtain
1991-11-08 Ivory Tusk 3 e Fee > ***
1991-11-10 Music Farm 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > 'A' Train
1991-11-15 Trax 4 e Highway to Hell ***
1991-11-22 Sullivan Gymnasium, Universi... 5 e Glide ***
1991-12-04 E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium, S... 4 e Sweet Adeline ***
1992-03-11 The Colonial Theatre 7 1 *** > My Friend
1992-03-14 Roseland Ballroom 3 2 Oh Kee Pa > Hood
1992-03-19 Palace Theatre 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > > My Friend
1992-03-21 Chestnut Cabaret 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > 'A' Train
1992-03-24 Flood Zone 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Hood
1992-03-26 Ziggy's 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > Poor Heart
1992-03-30 Mississippi Nights 3 e Oh Kee Pa > *** Simpsons signal. (Sailor's Hornpipe tease)
1992-04-03 Sawatch Hall, Park Hyatt Bea... 3 2 Hood *** (We're Off to See the Wizard tease)
1992-04-06 Paul Wright Gym, Western Sta... 3 1 *** Foam
1992-04-08 El Rey Theater 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Bowie
1992-04-12 Arizona Ballroom 1 1 *** Poor Heart
1992-04-15 Variety Arts Center 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > Foam
1992-04-16 Anaconda Theatre 1 2 Sweet Adeline ***
1992-04-18 Wilbur Field, Stanford Unive... 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > Rift
1992-04-21 Redwood Acres Fairgrounds 2 1 *** Uncle Pen
1992-04-22 Hilton Ballroom 1 1 ATR ***
1992-04-25 Campus Rec Center 3 1 *** > My Friend
1992-04-29 First Avenue 1 1 *** Foam
1992-05-01 The Rave 2 1 *** > My Friend
1992-05-03 Michigan State University Un... 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > ***
1992-05-07 The Agora Theatre 3 1 *** Poor Heart
1992-05-09 The Syracuse Armory 2 2 *** > Divided (Sailor's Hornpipe tease)
1992-05-10 UMass Campus Pond 1 1 Landlady > Sparkle
1992-05-14 The Capitol Theatre 2 1 *** > ATR
1992-05-16 The Orpheum Theatre 2 e Sweet Adeline ***
1992-05-18 The Flynn Theatre 2 1 *** Maze (Oye Como Va tease)
1992-06-19 Stadtpark 1 1 Landlady Stash
1992-07-09 Cumberland County Civic Center 8 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Landlady
1992-07-11 Garden State Arts Center 2 1 YEM ***
1992-07-15 Trax 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > Foam
1992-07-18 The Mann 3 1 *** Foam
1992-07-27 SPAC 7 1 Horn > Llama Prior to starting Suzy, the band...
1992-07-31 Blossom Music Center 3 1 *** > CDT Prior to starting Suzy, the band...
1992-08-02 Riverport Amphitheater 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Bowie
1992-08-17 The Coach House 4 2 *** > It's Ice Prior to starting Suzy, the band... (Oye Como Va tease)
1992-11-20 Palace Theatre 12 1 ATR > Rift Trey mentioned The Dude of Life.
1992-11-22 Bailey Hall 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > Fee (Jimmy Olsen's Blues tease with lyrics)
1992-11-28 The Capitol Theatre 4 2 *** > Paul and Silas
1992-12-02 Newport Music Hall 3 1 *** Foam
1992-12-04 Mississippi Nights 2 2 *** > Bowie
1992-12-06 The Vic Theatre 2 2 *** > Curtain
1992-12-08 Barrymore Theatre 2 2 Sparkle > > HYHU
1992-12-10 State Theater 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > ***
1992-12-13 Le Spectrum 3 2 *** Mound (Stairway to Heaven tease)
1992-12-29 Palace Theatre 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > ***
1993-02-07 Lisner Auditorium, George Wa... 7 1 *** > Buried Alive
1993-02-11 Haas Center for the Arts 3 1 *** > Buried Alive
1993-02-15 Memorial Hall, UNC 3 1 Amazing Grace > Sparkle
1993-02-21 Roxy Theatre 5 1 *** > Buried Alive Prior to starting Suzy, the band... (Tweezer tease)
1993-02-25 The Cameo Theatre 3 2 *** > It's Ice
1993-03-13 Balch Fieldhouse 10 2 *** > Tweezer
1993-03-17 The Palace 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > Antelope
1993-03-19 The Greek Theatre 2 1 *** > Llama (Heartbreaker and Blue Monk teases )
1993-03-26 Warfield Theatre 5 2 Oh Kee Pa > Great Gig in the Sky
1993-04-03 86th Street Music Hall 8 2 *** > Stash (Jimmy Olsen's Blues tease)
1993-04-09 State Theatre 2 2 Buried Alive > ATR (Stairway to Heaven tease)
1993-04-13 Memorial Hall 3 1 *** Foam
1993-04-17 Michigan Theater 3 2 Oh Kee Pa > > HYHU
1993-04-22 The Agora Theatre 4 1 *** Sparkle
1993-05-06 Palace Theatre 11 2 *** > Tweezer
1993-07-25 Waterloo Village 13 2 2001 > > Tweezer
1993-08-02 Ritz Theatre 5 1 Oh Kee Pa > ATR
1993-08-06 Cincinnati Zoo Peacock Pavilion 2 1 CDT *** (Tequila tease)
1993-08-13 Murat Theatre 6 2 Oh Kee Pa > *** (Sweet Home Alabama tease)
1993-08-17 Memorial Hall 4 2 Rift YEM
1993-08-24 Commodore Ballroom 3 2 Rift HYHU (Tweezer and Blue Monk teases )
1993-12-28 Bender Arena 4 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Ya Mar (Tweezer Reprise tease)
1993-12-31 The Centrum 3 3 Sparkle > > HYHU (Peaches en Regalia and Smoke on the Water teases )
1994-04-04 The Flynn Theatre 1 2 Oh Kee Pa > *** Giant Country Horns; horn introd... (Hold Your Head Up tease)
1994-04-08 Recreation Hall, Penn State ... 3 2 Bowie *** (Stairway to Heaven, Owner of a Lonely Heart, and Misty Mountain Hop teases )
1994-04-11 Snively Arena, University of... 3 2 Oh Kee Pa > ***
1994-04-15 Beacon Theatre 3 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Landlady Giant Country Horns.
1994-04-20 Virginia Horse Center 4 1 Stash *** (Sunshine of Your Love tease)
1994-04-22 Township Auditorium 2 2 *** Julius
1994-04-29 Boatyard Village Pavilion 6 2 *** > Maze
1994-05-02 Five Points South Music Hall 2 1 Divided > Foam (Money tease)
1994-05-04 State Palace Theatre 2 2 Magilla *** Cosmic Country Horns; ended in j...
1994-05-07 The Bomb Factory 2 1 If I Could ***
1994-05-13 Hayden Square 4 1 Slave > *** (Layla tease)
1994-05-17 The Arlington Theatre 3 1 *** > Maze
1994-05-27 Warfield Theatre 8 2 *** > Peaches (Theme from The Flintstones tease)
1994-05-29 Laguna Seca Raceway 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Antelope
1994-06-09 Triad Amphitheater 1 1 Fee ***
1994-06-11 Red Rocks Amphitheatre 2 e *** *** (Frankenstein tease)
1994-06-16 State Theatre 3 2 *** Antelope
1994-06-19 State Theater 3 1 *** Julius (How Many More Times tease)
1994-06-21 Cincinnati Music Hall 1 2 Hood *** (Rock and Roll, Hoochie Koo tease)
1994-06-25 Nautica Stage 4 2 *** > Maze (Heartbreaker tease)
1994-06-29 Walnut Creek 2 2 Divided > Cavern
1994-07-01 The Mann 2 1 Julius ***
1994-07-03 The Ballpark 2 2 Antelope > ***
1994-07-09 Great Woods 4 2 Hood *** (Jive Talkin' tease)
1994-07-13 Big Birch 2 2 Slave > *** (Slave to the Traffic Light tease)
1994-07-16 Summerstage at Sugarbush North 3 e *** ***
1994-10-08 Patriot Center, George Mason... 2 2 Hood ***
1994-10-15 Oak Mountain Amphitheatre 6 2 Bouncin' *** (Chameleon tease)
1994-10-22 The Edge Concert Field 5 1 *** Divided
1994-10-26 Varsity Gym, Appalachian Sta... 2 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Runaway Jim
1994-11-02 Bangor Auditorium 5 1 *** Foam (Stairway to Heaven tease)
1994-11-04 Onondaga War Memorial Audito... 2 1 SOAMule > CDT (Stairway to Heaven tease)
1994-11-13 Warner Theatre 2 2 *** > Divided
1994-11-16 Hill Auditorium, University ... 2 e Amazing Grace ***
1994-11-19 Indiana University Auditorium 4 2 *** > Sparkle
1994-11-23 The Fox Theatre 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > Divided
1994-11-28 Brick Breeden Fieldhouse, Mo... 3 2 *** > NICU
1994-12-02 Recreation Hall, University ... 3 2 Caravan *** Cosmic Country Horns.
1994-12-03 Event Center 1 2 Frankenstein > Buried Alive Cosmic Country Horns. (Hey Bulldog tease)
1994-12-09 Mesa Amphitheatre 5 2 YEM ***
1994-12-28 Civic Center 2 2 *** > NICU
1994-12-31 Boston Garden 3 3 Silent > Slave
1995-06-07 BSU Pavilion 2 2 Hood *** (Entrance of the Gladiators tease)
1995-06-10 Red Rocks Amphitheatre 3 1 HYHU ***
1995-06-17 Nissan Pavilion at Stone Ridge 5 1 Divided Taste
1995-06-24 The Mann 5 2 Lifeboy Hood (Lifeboy tease)
1995-06-28 Jones Beach 3 2 Sparkle > Hood
1995-07-01 Great Woods 3 2 Hood *** (Smoke on the Water and Sunshine of Your Love teases )
1995-09-29 Greek Theatre 5 1 Sweet Adeline ***
1995-10-05 Memorial Coliseum 4 1 Julius > *** (Julius tease)
1995-10-11 Compton Terrace Amphitheater 4 2 Llama -> Crossroads Unfinished. (Sunshine of Your Love and Crossroads teases )
1995-10-17 State Palace Theatre 4 2 Fog That Surrounds -> Keyboard Army
1995-10-21 Pershing Auditorium 3 2 Hood *** (Stairway to Heaven, Beat It, and Tweezer Reprise teases )
1995-10-25 St. Paul Civic Center 3 2 Weekapaug > Crossroads Unfinished.
1995-10-31 Rosemont Horizon 4 3 ADITL > *** Dave Grippo on alto saxophone, D...
1995-11-11 The Fox Theatre 3 2 Bowie > Uncle Pen
1995-11-15 Sun Dome, University of Sout... 3 e *** ***
1995-11-19 Charlotte Coliseum 3 2 Hood *** (Tweezer tease)
1995-11-24 Civic Arena 3 1 Maze ***
1995-11-28 Knoxville Civic Coliseum 2 2 Maze > Uncle Pen (25 or 6 to 4 and The Rover teases )
1995-12-01 Hersheypark Arena 3 e *** ***
1995-12-14 Broome County Veterans Memor... 9 1 *** > Llama
1995-12-16 Olympic Center 2 1 Julius > ***
1995-12-30 MSG 4 1 2001 > > Bowie
1996-07-07 Parco Aquatica 7 1 Antelope > ***
1996-07-12 Melkweg 4 2 Slave ***
1996-07-21 The Forum 6 2 Caspian > ***
1996-08-06 Red Rocks Amphitheatre 8 1 Rift > > Simple (Simple tease)
1996-08-12 Deer Creek 3 1 Oh Kee Pa > ***
1996-08-17 Plattsburgh Air Force Base 4 1 Maze ***
1996-10-18 Civic Arena 3 2 *** > Maze
1996-10-23 Hartford Civic Center 4 2 Llama > Slave Bob Gullotti on a second drum set.
1996-10-27 North Charleston Coliseum 3 1 Taste ***
1996-10-31 The Omni 2 3 JJLC > *** Karl Perazzo on percussion, Dave... (Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On) and Once in a Lifetime teases )
1996-11-07 Rupp Arena 4 2 *** > Gin
1996-11-13 Target Center 4 2 2001 > -> Jam
1996-11-16 Civic Auditorium 3 2 Hood > Amazing Grace Leigh Fordham reference. (Axilla and La Grange teases )
1996-11-24 Memorial Coliseum 5 2 Loving Cup > ***
1996-11-29 The Cow Palace 2 1 Maze ***
1996-12-06 The Aladdin Theatre 5 e Harpua *** Les Claypool, Larry LaLonde, Elv... (Susie Q jam)
1996-12-31 FleetCenter 4 3 DwD > Antelope
1997-02-17 Paradiso 4 2 DwD > > Caspian
1997-02-23 Fillmore 5 2 Daniel Saw the Stone > > Maze
1997-03-18 The Flynn Theatre 6 1 CTB > Character Zero Dave Grippo on alto sax and Jame... (Chameleon and Soul Power 74 teases )
1997-11-29 The Centrum 49 2 Caspian ***
1998-08-06 Lakewood Amphitheatre 43 1 Oh Kee Pa > Roses
1998-11-24 New Haven Veterans Memorial ... 30 e *** > Tweeprise The Dude of Life on vocals; alte...
1999-07-25 Deer Creek 27 2 Antelope > > HYHU Syncopated jam based around Page. (I Wish tease)
1999-10-08 Nassau Veterans Memorial Col... 27 1 Bag Meat
1999-12-07 Cumberland County Civic Center 7 2 Free ***
1999-12-15 MCI Center 6 2 Halley's > ***
1999-12-30 Big Cypress 4 1 Light Up > Corinna
2000-07-08 Alpine Valley 28 e *** > Tweeprise The band skipped the second verse.
2000-09-14 Darien Lake 11 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Jam (Can't You Hear Me Knocking tease)
2003-02-22 U.S. Bank Arena 27 e *** *** (San-Ho-Zay tease)
2003-07-21 Verizon Wireless Music Center 16 2 *** > Taste
2003-12-28 American Airlines Arena 15 2 Jibboo -> Jam Extended jam segment after first...
2004-06-17 KeySpan Park 7 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Axilla
2004-08-11 Tweeter Center 11 1 Divided -> DwD
2008-09-06 Midtown Loft and Terrace ø 1 *** Julius
2009-03-06 Hampton Coliseum 4 1 Oh Kee Pa > > Farmhouse
2009-06-02 Nikon at Jones Beach Theater 4 e *** ***
2009-06-07 Susquehanna Bank Center 4 2 Sand LxL
2009-06-14 Bonnaroo 4 e *** > Tweeprise
2009-06-19 Verizon Wireless Music Center 3 2 2001 > -> Possum
2009-07-31 Red Rocks Amphitheatre 4 e *** > Tweeprise (Drowned and Crosseyed and Painless teases )
2009-08-05 Shoreline Amphitheatre 3 1 STFTFP Bowie
2009-08-13 Darien Lake 4 2 Antelope > > Fluffhead
2009-10-31 Empire Polo Club 5 e *** *** Sharon Jones and Saundra William...
2009-11-21 U.S. Bank Arena 4 2 Caspian > 2001
2009-11-27 Times Union Center 4 2 Hood > > Coil
2009-12-02 MSG 3 2 Velvet Sea > Antelope
2009-12-05 John Paul Jones Arena 3 2 Hood > > Golgi
2009-12-31 American Airlines Arena 4 2 NO2 ***
2010-06-12 Blossom Music Center 2 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Waste
2010-06-19 SPAC 5 1 Gin ***
2010-06-26 Merriweather 5 1 46 Days *** Leigh Fordham reference from Fish.
2010-07-01 Walnut Creek 3 2 Coil > *** (Light Up Or Leave Me Alone tease)
2010-08-07 William Randolph Hearst Gree... 6 2 2001 > > Slave
2010-08-14 Alpine Valley 5 1 Oh Kee Pa > Funky Bitch
2010-08-18 Nikon at Jones Beach Theater 3 e *** > Tweeprise
2010-10-08 Zilker Park 1 1 Light > > YEM
2010-10-15 North Charleston Coliseum 4 2 Weekapaug > Slave
2010-10-22 Dunkin' Donuts Center 4 2 Weekapaug > Light
2010-10-31 Boardwalk Hall 6 3 Camel Walk > Wilson
2010-12-30 MSG 3 2 2001 > ***
2011-05-29 Bethel Woods 5 1 Oh Kee Pa > > 46 Days
2011-06-01 PNC Bank Arts Center 2 1 SOAMelt ***
2011-06-07 Comcast Center 4 e *** *** (Meatstick tease)
2011-06-11 Merriweather 3 2 STFTFP > ***
2011-06-15 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatr... 3 2 Bowie > Jibboo
2011-06-19 nTelos Pavilion 3 2 BDTNL ***
2011-07-02 Watkins Glen 2 1 BOTT > Monkey Man
2011-08-06 The Gorge 3 e *** > Sanity (I Feel the Earth Move tease)
2011-08-12 Polo Fields, Golden Gate Park 4 1 Mound > Axilla
2011-09-02 Dick's 4 2 Seven Below > > Scents and Subtle Sounds
2011-09-14 Champlain Valley Exposition 3 2 Theme > > Character Zero
2011-12-31 MSG 4 2 46 Days > ***
2012-06-08 DCU Center 2 e Oh Kee Pa > ***
2012-06-16 Bader Field 3 1 Ocelot ***
2012-06-30 Alpine Valley 9 1 Oh Kee Pa > ***
2012-07-06 SPAC 4 2 Ghost > > Antelope
2012-08-15 Long Beach Arena 3 1 *** Cities
2012-08-22 Starlight Theatre 4 2 Hood > *** (Stairway to Heaven tease)
2012-08-26 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatr... 3 2 Weekapaug *** (Crosseyed and Painless tease)
2012-08-29 Oklahoma City Zoo Amphitheatre 2 2 Character Zero > ***
2012-12-29 MSG 5 2 Boogie On > > Bug "More cowbell" quotes from Trey. (Susie Q quote)
2013-07-10 PNC Bank Arts Center 7 1 Theme > ***
2013-07-17 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatr... 5 1 STFTFP > ***
2013-07-19 Northerly Island 1 1 *** Wolfman's
2013-07-22 Molson Canadian Amphitheatre 3 1 Ocelot > ***
2013-08-03 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium 6 e Waste > *** (Also Sprach Zarathustra and Waste teases )
2013-09-01 Dick's 5 2 Show of Life > ***
2013-10-18 Hampton Coliseum 1 e Circus ***
2013-10-25 DCU Center 5 e Contact > > Rocky Top
2013-12-28 MSG 7 e *** > Tweeprise
2014-07-05 SPAC 9 e *** ***
2014-07-19 Northerly Island 9 e Bug *** (Fuego tease)
2014-07-26 Merriweather 3 1 Stash ***
2014-08-03 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatr... 6 1 STFTFP *** (Stealing Time From the Faulty Plan quote)
2014-08-29 Dick's 1 1 Ha Ha Ha *** Jennifer Hartswick on trumpet an...
2014-10-21 Santa Barbara Bowl 5 2 Velvet Sea > ***
2014-10-25 Sleep Train Amphitheatre 3 e *** > Tweeprise
2015-01-03 American Airlines Arena 10 2 Hood > *** (The Birds quote)
2015-07-28 Austin360 Amphitheater 5 2 Bowie > Tweeprise
2015-08-14 Walnut Creek 12 1 Wolfman's ***
2016-01-02 MSG 12 2 LxL > > Hood
2016-06-28 The Mann 8 1 Oh Kee Pa > ***
2016-07-20 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium 13 2 Oh Kee Pa > > Julius
2016-09-02 Dick's 5 2 Runaway Jim > *** Trey on Marimba Lumina.
2016-10-19 Ascend Amphitheater 7 2 Hood > *** (Woman from Tokyo tease)
2016-10-30 MGM Grand 7 1 Theme > ***
2016-12-31 MSG 5 3 Auld Lang Syne > NMINML James Casey on saxophone, Natali...
2017-07-21 MSG 9 2 Slave > Coconut
2017-09-03 Dick's 15 2 Possum > *** (Blue Monk tease)
2017-12-31 MSG 4 1 Carini > > My Friend
2018-07-18 Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at ... 2 e *** ***
2018-07-28 The Forum 7 1 Julius > Timber Ho
2018-08-08 BB&T Pavilion 6 e *** ***
2018-09-02 Dick's 6 2 Jibboo > > Character Zero
2018-10-20 Hampton Coliseum 4 2 Oh Kee Pa > ***
2018-10-27 Allstate Arena 5 2 Joy ***
2018-11-02 MGM Grand 4 1 Mercury > ***
2018-12-31 MSG 5 3 R&R > ***
2019-06-12 Chaifetz Arena, Saint Louis ... 5 2 Waste *** (Gloria tease)
2019-06-26 Darling's Waterfront Pavilion 9 e Lizards *** (Saw It Again quote)
2019-06-30 BB&T Pavilion 3 2 CDT > ***
2019-07-06 Fenway Park 4 1 SOAMelt ***
2019-12-06 North Charleston Coliseum 14 2 Lizards *** (Axilla and Saw It Again quotes )
2021-08-04 Ascend Amphitheater 16 1 Theme > > Fluffhead
2021-08-14 Atlantic City Beach 7 2 Slave > ***
2021-10-22 Ak-Chin Pavilion 15 e *** > Cavern
2022-02-27 Moon Palace 12 1 SOAMelt ***
2022-04-21 MSG 2 1 *** > 46 Days Dedicated to the “hero of the so...
2022-06-01 Credit One Stadium 7 e Oh Kee Pa > ***
2022-07-23 Bethel Woods 10 1 Divided > Ghost
2022-07-30 Merriweather 5 2 Oh Kee Pa > ***
2022-08-07 Atlantic City Beach 6 2 YEM > ***
2023-02-26 Moon Palace 16 2 BDTNL > ***
2023-07-18 Live Oak Bank Pavilion at Ri... 14 e The Howling > *** (The 9th Cube and The Howling quotes )
2023-07-23 St. Joseph's Health Amphithe... 4 2 *** > Tweezer
2023-07-30 MSG 5 e *** Izabella (Let's Spend the Night Together tease)
2023-10-08 Bridgestone Arena 13 e The Howling > ***
2024-07-19 Xfinity Center 17 2 *** > Antelope

"Suzy Greenberg" was teased at the following shows

Show Date Artist Song (Tease Type) Venue

Blue text indicates this song is in our jam charts.
Yellow indicates you were in attendance.
Gray text indicates that this performance doesn't count for stats purposes. is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.

This project serves to compile, preserve, and protect encyclopedic information about Phish and their music.

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