Slave to the Traffic Light as performed by all

Date Venue Artist Set Song Before Song After Notes Comments
1984-12-01 Nectar's Phish 1 Makisupa Spanish Flea First known performance.
1985-02-01 Doolin's Phish 1 *** Mike's
1985-04-06 Finbar's Phish 1 Wild Child Jam
1985-05-03 University of Vermont Phish 1 *** Mike's
1985-09-27 Slade Hall, University of Ve... Phish 1 Fire In the Midnight Hour
1985-10-30 Hunt's Phish 1 Possum Sneakin' Sally
1985-11-14 Memorial Auditorium Basement Phish 1 *** Hurricane Acoustic. Possible female vocali...
1986-02-03 Hunt's Phish 1 *** Mike's
1986-04-25 University of Vermont Phish 1 Quinn -> Makisupa
1986-10-12 Haybarn Theater, Goddard Col... Phish 1 Golgi > Wilson
1986-10-15 Hunt's Phish 2 Wilson > Quinn
1986-10-31 Sculpture Room, Goddard College Phish 1 Golgi > Melt the Guns
1986-12-06 The Ranch Phish 2 Golgi > Shaggy Dog
1987-02-13 Johnson State College Phish 1 Golgi > -> Quinn No vocals.
1987-03-06 Goddard College Phish e *** ***
1987-04-24 Billings Lounge, UVM Phish 1 Dear Mrs. Reagan > ***
1987-04-29 Nectar's Phish 3 Timber Ho > Sparks
1987-05-11 Nectar's Phish 1 Possum Sneakin' Sally
1987-08-09 Nectar's Phish 1 Golgi > La Grange
1987-08-29 The Ranch Phish 2 Clod Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
1987-09-21 Nectar's Phish 1 Clod > Funky Bitch
1987-10-14 Hunt's Phish 1 Golgi > > The Chase
1987-11-18 Hunt's Phish 1 *** TMWSIY
1987-11-19 Hunt's Phish 3 Bike ***
1988-01-27 Gallagher's Phish 2 Wilson Corinna
1988-02-08 Nectar's Phish 1 *** Funky Bitch
1988-02-20 St. Lawrence University Phish 2 Whipping Post ***
1988-02-24 Gallagher's Phish 1 Golgi > Corinna
1988-03-11 The Base Lodge, Stearns Hall... Phish 1 Golgi > Flat Fee
1988-06-20 Nectar's Phish 1 *** Peaches
1988-07-12 Sam's Tavern Phish 2 Makisupa Bag
1988-07-23 Pete's Phabulous Phish Phest Phish 3 Dinner and a Movie Curtis Loew Peter Danforth on saxophone.
1988-07-30 The Roma Phish 3 On Your Way Down Timber Ho
1988-08-05 The Roma Phish 2 BBFCFM > Alumni
1988-09-08 The Front Phish 1 Walk Away Wild Child
1988-10-29 Sculpture Room, Goddard College Phish 3 Timber Ho Donna Lee Russ Remington on saxophone.
1988-11-05 Sigma Phi Fraternity, Hamilt... Phish 1 *** Time Loves a Hero
1988-12-17 Old Stone Church Phish 1 YEM > Foam
1989-02-07 The Front Phish 3 Suzy > Bike
1989-02-18 Old Stone Church Phish 2 La Grange Contact
1989-03-01 Gallagher's Phish 2 JJLC Dinner and a Movie
1989-04-15 Billings Lounge, UVM Phish 2 Golgi > Mango
1989-05-06 Collis Center, Dartmouth Col... Phish 2 Golgi > Divided
1989-05-09 The Front Phish 2 If I Don't Be There By Morning > Esther
1989-05-26 Valley Club Cafe Phish 3 *** Funky Bitch
1989-05-28 Ian McLean's Party, Connie C... Phish 1 Fee -> Esther
1989-06-30 Pearl Street Ballroom Phish 2 Curtain > Gin (Dazed and Confused tease)
1989-08-26 Townshend Family Park Phish 2 Ya Mar Bag
1989-10-13 Copperfield's Phish 1 Bowie Sloth
1989-10-20 The Front Phish 2 In a Hole Antelope Dave Grippo and Russ Remington o...
1989-12-08 Withey Hall Dining Room, Gre... Phish 2 Timber Ho IDK
1990-01-25 Penny Post Phish 2 *** Possum
1990-02-05 Myskyn's Phish 1 Donna Lee Coil
1990-03-01 Toad's Place Phish 2 Carolina ***
1990-03-09 The Front Phish 2 Dog Log > > Highway to Hell Dave Grippo on alto saxophone.
1990-03-11 The Front Phish 2 Harpua Bag
1990-04-08 Fly Me to the Moon Saloon Phish 2 Lizards > Mike's (Stairway to Heaven tease)
1990-04-22 Cutler Quad, Colorado College Phish 1 MSO > Mike's
1990-11-15 Lengyel Gym, University of M... Phish 2 Foam Llama
1991-03-17 Wheeler Opera House Phish 2 Fee CDT
1991-10-24 Crystal Ballroom, Hotel St. ... Phish 2 Tube > Dinner and a Movie
1993-08-06 Cincinnati Zoo Peacock Pavilion Phish 2 Halley's > HYHU (So What tease)
1993-08-20 Red Rocks Amphitheatre Phish 2 2001 > > SOAMelt (So What tease)
1993-12-30 Cumberland County Civic Center Phish 2 HYHU ***
1994-04-09 Broome County Veterans Memor... Phish 2 Tela > Cavern
1994-04-14 Beacon Theatre Phish 2 Dog Faced Boy ***
1994-04-24 Grady Cole Center Phish 1 It's Ice > ***
1994-05-03 Starwood Amphitheatre Phish 2 HYHU ***
1994-05-13 Hayden Square Phish 1 My Friend > > Suzy
1994-05-17 The Arlington Theatre Phish 2 HYHU ***
1994-05-22 Vogue Theatre Phish 2 Rift > > Tweeprise
1994-06-13 Memorial Hall Phish 2 HYHU ***
1994-06-23 Phoenix Plaza Theatre Phish 2 Lifeboy > ***
1994-07-02 Garden State Arts Center Phish 2 Sample > Highway to Hell
1994-07-13 Big Birch Phish 2 Mound > > Suzy
1994-10-10 Palace Theatre Phish 2 HYHU ***
1994-10-21 Sunrise Musical Theatre Phish 2 SOAMule ***
1994-10-27 University Hall, University ... Phish e *** -> Icculus
1994-10-31 Glens Falls Civic Center Phish 3 Bouncin' > Rift
1994-11-04 Onondaga War Memorial Audito... Phish 2 Golgi > ***
1994-11-14 DeVos Hall Phish 2 Yerushalayim Shel Zahav > Poor Heart
1994-11-17 Hara Arena Phish 2 HYHU > Golgi
1994-11-26 The Orpheum Theatre Phish 2 Sample > ***
1994-12-03 Event Center Phish 2 Gumbo Landlady Cosmic Country Horns.
1994-12-10 Civic Auditorium Phish 2 Poor Heart > > Cavern
1994-12-31 Boston Garden Phish 3 Suzy > *** (Crimes of the Mind tease)
1995-06-07 BSU Pavilion Phish 1 Funky Bitch ***
1995-06-09 Red Rocks Amphitheatre Phish 2 Sweet Adeline ***
1995-06-15 Lakewood Amphitheatre Phish 2 Acoustic Army ***
1995-06-20 Blossom Music Center Phish e *** Amazing Grace
1995-06-25 The Mann Phish e Bouncin' ***
1995-07-02 Summerstage at Sugarbush North Phish 2 Acoustic Army ***
1995-09-28 Summer Pops, Embarcadero Center Phish 1 Acoustic Army ***
1995-10-02 Seattle Center Arena Phish 2 Keyboard Army Hello My Baby Fish on vacuum.
1995-10-06 The Orpheum Theatre Phish 2 HYHU ***
1995-10-15 Austin Music Hall Phish 1 Poor Heart > IDK
1995-10-22 Assembly Hall Phish 2 Uncle Pen > Cavern
1995-10-29 Louisville Gardens Phish 1 Gumbo Sweet Adeline
1995-11-12 O'Connell Center, University... Phish 2 Sample > HYHU
1995-11-18 North Charleston Coliseum Phish 1 PYITE > I'm Blue, I'm Lonesome
1995-11-29 Municipal Auditorium Phish 2 My Long Journey Home *** Béla Fleck on banjo.
1995-12-07 Niagara Falls Convention Center Phish 1 Rift Guyute
1995-12-09 Knickerbocker Arena Phish 2 Lawn Boy > Crossroads
1995-12-14 Broome County Veterans Memor... Phish 2 NICU -> ***
1995-12-28 The Centrum Phish 2 Uncle Pen ***
1996-07-12 Melkweg Phish 2 NICU -> Suzy Unfinished.
1996-07-23 Markthalle Phish 2 HYHU ***
1996-08-04 Red Rocks Amphitheatre Phish 2 Sweet Adeline ***
1996-08-13 Deer Creek Phish 1 Glide ***
1996-08-17 Plattsburgh Air Force Base Phish 2 Golgi > ***
1996-10-19 Marine Midland Arena Phish 2 Sparkle > Bouncin'
1996-10-23 Hartford Civic Center Phish 2 Suzy > Julius Bob Gullotti on a second drum set.
1996-10-29 Leon County Civic Center Phish 2 HYHU Hello My Baby Karl Perazzo on percussion.
1996-11-11 Van Andel Arena Phish 2 Contact > ***
1996-11-22 Spokane Arena Phish 2 Theme Hello My Baby
1996-12-01 Pauley Pavilion, University ... Phish 2 JBG > ***
1996-12-30 FleetCenter Phish 2 SOAMule ***
1997-02-13 Shepherd's Bush Empire Phish 2 Jam > > Circus
1997-02-18 Bataclan Phish 1 Character Zero > ***
1997-02-26 Longhorn Phish 2 SOAMule ***
1997-03-02 Pumpehuset Phish 2 Character Zero > > Tweeprise
1997-03-18 The Flynn Theatre Phish 2 CDT ***
1997-04-12 Hungry Charlie's Stash 2 NICU Their Song Fish on drums.
1997-06-13 The S.F.X. Centre Phish 2 Vultures > CDT
1997-07-01 Paradiso Phish 2 Loving Cup > ***
1997-07-21 GTE Virginia Beach Amphitheater Phish 2 Funky Bitch ***
1997-08-03 The Gorge Phish e Bouncin' ***
1997-08-09 Alpine Valley Phish 2 SOAMule > Weekapaug
1997-08-16 Loring Commerce Centre Phish 2 Jam -> > Rocky Top
1997-11-14 The “E” Center Phish 2 Twist > ***
1997-11-21 Hampton Coliseum Phish 2 Bag -> Loving Cup
1997-11-28 The Centrum Phish 2 LxL > Ghost
1997-12-05 CSU Convocation Center Phish 2 Julius > > Lizards Unfinished.
1997-12-07 Ervin J. Nutter Center, Wrig... Phish 1 Jam -> ***
1997-12-28 USAir Arena Phish 2 Halley's > Rocky Top
1998-07-16 The Gorge Phish 2 Tube > ***
1998-07-24 Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion Phish 2 SOAMule > CDT
1998-07-31 Polaris Amphitheater Phish e PYITE > ***
1998-08-12 Vernon Downs Phish 1 Ramble On -> *** (Those Were the Days and Ramble On teases )
1998-08-15 Loring Commerce Centre Phish 2 CDT ***
1998-11-09 UIC Pavilion, University of ... Phish 2 Moma > > YEM
1998-11-18 BI-LO Center Phish 2 Albuquerque Fluffhead
1998-12-30 MSG Phish 2 Coil -> ***
1999-07-04 Lakewood Amphitheatre Phish 2 Ghost -> Horse
1999-10-01 Hilton Coliseum Phish 2 Fluffhead > ***
1999-10-09 Pepsi Arena Phish e *** ***
1999-12-03 Firstar Center Phish 1 Possum ***
1999-12-13 Providence Civic Center Phish 2 Golgi > ***
1999-12-31 Big Cypress Phish 2 Quadrophonic Toppling Albuquerque
2000-06-16 Zepp Phish 2 Driver > > Julius
2000-06-25 ALLTEL Pavilion at Walnut Creek Phish 2 WTU? > ***
2000-07-04 E Centre Phish 2 Twist > ***
2000-09-22 Allstate Arena Phish 1 Wilson > Dogs Stole Things
2003-02-25 First Union Spectrum Phish 1 Frankie Says Water in the Sky
2003-07-15 USANA Amphitheatre Phish 2 Golgi > ***
2003-07-23 Verizon Wireless Music Center Phish 2 Thunderhead > ***
2003-12-31 American Airlines Arena Phish 2 CDT -> > CDT
2004-04-15 Thomas & Mack Center Phish 2 Crowd Control > ***
2004-06-23 Verizon Wireless Music Center Phish 2 C&P > Nothing
2004-08-15 Newport State Airport Phish 3 Wilson > ***
2009-03-08 Hampton Coliseum Phish 2 Velvet Sea > ***
2009-06-05 Nikon at Jones Beach Theater Phish 2 2001 > ***
2009-06-16 The Fox Theatre Phish 1 Possum > ***
2009-06-21 Alpine Valley Phish 2 Boogie On ***
2009-08-02 Red Rocks Amphitheatre Phish e Bouncin' ***
2009-08-07 The Gorge Phish e *** ***
2009-08-14 The Comcast Theatre Phish 2 Wilson > Piper
2009-11-01 Empire Polo Club Phish 3 Light > ***
2009-11-20 U.S. Bank Arena Phish 2 Possum YEM
2009-11-24 Wachovia Center Phish 2 Simple > > Weekapaug
2009-12-02 MSG Phish 2 Light > > Tweezer
2009-12-29 American Airlines Arena Phish 2 2001 > ***
2010-06-15 nTelos Pavilion Phish 1 KDF Lawn Boy
2010-06-22 Comcast Center Phish 2 Golgi > Loving Cup
2010-06-26 Merriweather Phish 2 Wolfman's > > Tweeprise
2010-07-03 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatr... Phish 2 Tweezer -> Bouncin'
2010-08-07 William Randolph Hearst Gree... Phish 2 Suzy > ***
2010-08-13 Verizon Wireless Music Center Phish e Contact > ***
2010-10-10 1stBank Center Phish 2 Makisupa -> Strange Design
2010-10-15 North Charleston Coliseum Phish 2 Suzy > ***
2010-10-20 Utica Memorial Auditorium Phish 2 SOAMelt > ***
2010-10-29 Boardwalk Hall Phish 2 Golgi > > Fluffhead
2010-12-31 MSG Phish 3 Waste > Grind
2011-05-29 Bethel Woods Phish 2 Light > ***
2011-06-04 Blossom Music Center Phish e *** ***
2011-06-15 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatr... Phish 2 Julius > Bowie
2011-06-19 nTelos Pavilion Phish 2 WotC > > Fluffhead
2011-08-09 Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at ... Phish 2 CDT -> > Free
2011-08-16 UIC Pavilion, University of ... Phish e Heavy Things > > Rocky Top
2011-09-02 Dick's Phish 2 Scents and Subtle Sounds > > Silent
2011-09-14 Champlain Valley Exposition Phish 2 DwD > > R&R
2011-12-31 MSG Phish e *** ***
2012-06-16 Bader Field Phish 2 C&P > > Light
2012-06-19 nTelos Pavilion Phish e Mexican Cousin > ***
2012-06-23 First Niagara Pavilion Phish 2 Julius > ***
2012-07-04 Nikon at Jones Beach Theater Phish 2 Show of Life > ***
2012-08-17 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium Phish 1 My Friend ***
2012-08-24 Oak Mountain Amphitheatre Phish 2 Waste > ***
2012-08-29 Oklahoma City Zoo Amphitheatre Phish e *** > Loving Cup
2012-12-30 MSG Phish 2 Julius > *** (The Little Drummer Boy tease)
2013-07-05 SPAC Phish 2 Drowned > ***
2013-07-10 PNC Bank Arts Center Phish 2 GTBT > Rocky Top
2013-07-20 Northerly Island Phish 2 Piper > ***
2013-07-30 Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at ... Phish 2 Mike's > ***
2013-08-03 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium Phish 2 2001 > ***
2013-08-30 Dick's Phish 2 Twist > ***
2013-10-20 Hampton Coliseum Phish 2 Sand > ***
2013-10-27 XL Center Phish 2 Fluffhead > ***
2013-11-01 Boardwalk Hall Phish 2 Wedge ***
2013-12-30 MSG Phish e *** ***
2014-07-05 SPAC Phish 2 Heavy Things > YEM
2014-07-13 Randall's Island Phish 2 Sing Monica ***
2014-07-18 Northerly Island Phish 2 CDT > ***
2014-07-27 Merriweather Phish 2 Catapult > -> DwD
2014-08-01 Amphitheater at the Wharf Phish 2 Fuego > > 2001
2014-08-30 Dick's Phish 2 Fuego > > Meatstick
2014-10-27 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium Phish 2 2001 > ***
2014-11-02 MGM Grand Phish e Moma > ***
2015-01-02 American Airlines Arena Phish 2 Fuego > 2001
2015-07-25 The Forum Phish 2 BDTNL > ***
2015-08-04 Ascend Amphitheater Phish e *** ***
2015-08-08 Alpine Valley Phish 2 BDTNL > ***
2015-08-16 Merriweather Phish 2 DwD -> > Light
2015-08-21 Watkins Glen Phish 2 NMINML -> ***
2015-09-06 Dick's Phish 2 Silent > ***
2016-01-01 MSG Phish 2 Fuego > ***
2016-01-17 Barceló Maya Beach Phish 2 Weekapaug ***
2016-06-28 The Mann Phish 2 Timber Ho > > YEM
2016-07-08 Xfinity Center Phish 2 BOTT > ***
2016-07-18 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium Phish 2 LxL > ***
2016-09-03 Dick's Phish 1 *** DwD
2016-10-21 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatr... Phish 2 Possum ***
2016-10-31 MGM Grand Phish 3 BDTNL > ***
2016-12-31 MSG Phish 2 Sand More
2017-01-15 Barceló Maya Beach Phish e *** > Tweeprise
2017-07-15 Huntington Bank Pavilion at ... Phish 2 Cities > ***
2017-07-21 MSG Phish 2 Everything's Right > > Suzy
2017-09-02 Dick's Phish 2 Weekapaug ***
2017-12-28 MSG Phish e Wedge ***
2018-02-18 Classic Center Trey Anastasio 1 Blaze On *** Trey solo acoustic; first acoust...
2018-07-17 Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at ... Phish 2 Carini -> Bouncin'
2018-07-27 The Forum Phish 2 Mike's > ***
2018-08-04 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatr... Phish 2 Possum > ***
2018-08-11 Merriweather Phish 2 Fuego > ***
2018-09-01 Dick's Phish 2 Sneakin' Sally > ***
2018-10-17 Times Union Center Phish 2 Wilson > ***
2018-11-02 MGM Grand Phish 2 Light > ***
2018-12-28 MSG Phish e Bouncin' ***
2019-02-22 Barceló Maya Beach Phish 2 Mercury > > Possum
2019-06-11 Chaifetz Arena, Saint Louis ... Phish 2 LxL ***
2019-06-19 Blossom Music Center Phish 2 CDT > ***
2019-06-25 Darling's Waterfront Pavilion Phish 2 Rise/Come Together > ***
2019-07-03 SPAC Phish 2 More > ***
2019-07-10 Mohegan Sun Arena Phish e Saw It Again > ***
2019-08-31 Dick's Phish 2 Wedge ***
2019-12-01 Nassau Veterans Memorial Col... Phish e Roses > ***
2019-12-30 MSG Phish 2 Ruby Waves > ***
2020-11-27 Beacon Theatre Trey Anastasio Band 1 Simple Twist Up Dave First Tube Full TAB debut; began with just ...
2021-06-20 SPAC Trey Anastasio 1 Lizards Possum Trey on acoustic guitar; with th...
2021-06-23 Beacon Theatre Trey Anastasio 1 CDT YEM Trey on acoustic guitar; with th...
2021-07-28 Walmart Arkansas Music Pavilion Phish 2 Rise/Come Together > ***
2021-08-08 Ruoff Music Center Phish e Contact > ***
2021-08-14 Atlantic City Beach Phish 2 No Quarter > > Suzy
2021-08-27 The Gorge Phish 2 CDT > ***
2021-09-03 Dick's Phish 2 Runaway Jim ***
2021-10-16 Chase Center Phish 1 46 Days -> Simple
2021-10-23 North Island Credit Union Am... Phish 1 Tube > > Llama
2021-12-31 Rock Lititz Phish 1 Ghost > Cavern
2022-02-26 Moon Palace Phish e Sleeping Monkey > ***
2022-04-20 MSG Phish e Gumbo ***
2022-05-31 Credit One Stadium Phish 2 Golgi > > Cavern
2022-06-05 Ruoff Music Center Phish e Grind *** (Dueling Banjos tease)
2022-07-15 Xfinity Center Phish e NICU > ***
2022-07-27 Northwell Health at Jones Be... Phish e *** ***
2022-08-06 Atlantic City Beach Phish 2 Golgi > ***
2022-08-14 Alpine Valley Phish 2 Possum > ***
2022-09-03 Dick's Phish e Fee > ***
2022-12-29 MSG Phish 1 Tube > Blaze On
2023-02-26 Moon Palace Phish e Waste ***
2023-04-23 Hollywood Bowl Phish e Wilson > ***
2023-07-21 The Pavilion at Star Lake Phish e Character Zero > ***
2023-08-02 MSG Phish e Frankenstein *** Lyrics changed to "see the great...
2023-08-31 Dick's Phish 2 Light > ***
2023-10-10 Ervin J. Nutter Center, Wrig... Phish 2 Twist > ***
2023-12-30 MSG Phish e *** > More
2024-02-24 Moon Palace Phish e 2001 > ***
2024-04-21 Sphere Phish e More > ***
2024-07-21 Xfinity Center Phish 2 C&P > ***
2024-08-04 Ruoff Music Center Phish e *** ***
2024-08-15 The Woodlands Phish e Possum ***
2024-09-01 Dick's Phish 2 Character Zero ***
2024-10-26 MVP Arena Phish e Golgi > ***
2024-12-31 MSG Phish 3 CDT > Life Saving Gun
2025-03-11 F. M. Kirby Center for the P... Trey Anastasio e Bouncin' *** Trey acoustic and Jeff Tanksi on...

"Slave to the Traffic Light" was teased at the following shows

Show Date Artist Song (Tease Type) Venue
1985-11-23 Phish Whipping Post () Goddard College, Plainfield, VT, USA
1994-07-13 Phish Suzy Greenberg () Big Birch Concert Pavilion, Patterson, NY, USA
1994-12-09 Phish Tweezer () Mesa Amphitheatre, Mesa, AZ, USA

Blue text indicates this song is in our jam charts.
Yellow indicates you were in attendance.
Gray text indicates that this performance doesn't count for stats purposes. is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.

This project serves to compile, preserve, and protect encyclopedic information about Phish and their music.

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