Good Times Bad Times as performed by all

Date Venue Artist Set Song Before Song After Notes Comments
1986-12-06 The Ranch Phish 2 McGrupp -> Skin It Back First known Phish performance.
1987-02-13 Johnson State College Phish 1 Sanity ***
1987-03-06 Goddard College Phish 1 Funky Bitch Corinna
1987-04-29 Nectar's Phish 3 Fluffhead Anarchy
1987-05-11 Nectar's Phish 2 Fluffhead ***
1987-08-09 Nectar's Phish 1 Timber Ho Bag
1987-08-10 Nectar's Phish 1 Divided > ***
1987-09-21 Nectar's Phish 3 Happy Birthday Rocky Top
1987-11-18 Hunt's Phish 1 Alumni ***
1988-01-27 Gallagher's Phish 1 'A' Train ***
1988-02-07 Nectar's Phish 3 Curtis Loew *** (Dave's Energy Guide tease)
1988-02-20 St. Lawrence University Phish 1 Phase Dance Skin It Back
1988-02-26 Living and Learning Center, ... Phish 1 Phase Dance ***
1988-03-22 Nectar's Phish 1 Lizards Happy Birthday
1988-04-02 Humphries House (The Zoo), A... Phish 1 Fire ***
1988-05-15 Beecher Hill Farm Phish 1 Suzy Fluffhead
1988-05-22 Nectar's Phish 2 Bike ***
1988-05-23 Nectar's Phish 1 Possum ***
1988-06-15 The Front Phish 2 'A' Train Whipping Post
1988-06-19 Nectar's Phish 2 *** Cities
1988-06-21 Nectar's Phish 2 JJLC Contact
1988-07-07 The Front Phish 2 Suzy ***
1988-07-12 Sam's Tavern Phish 1 Sneakin' Sally Happy Birthday
1988-07-23 Pete's Phabulous Phish Phest Phish 3 Curtis Loew ***
1988-07-29 The Roma Phish 2 IDK *** (Dave's Energy Guide tease)
1988-08-03 Fly Me to the Moon Saloon Phish 1 Mockingbird ***
1988-08-27 Food Court, Mont Alto Campus... Phish 1 Poor Heart ***
1988-09-08 The Front Phish 2 Cities On Your Way Down
1988-09-13 Sam's Tavern Phish 1 Peaches ***
1988-09-24 Humphries House (The Zoo), A... Phish 3 *** > Fluffhead
1988-11-03 Molly's Cafe Phish 1 Alumni ***
1988-11-05 Sigma Phi Fraternity, Hamilt... Phish 2 IDK ***
1988-11-11 Old Stone Church Phish 1 IDK YEM
1988-12-02 Molly's Cafe Phish 1 IDK ***
1988-12-10 The Red Barn, Hampshire College Phish 2 Possum ***
1989-01-26 The Paradise Phish 1 Fee ***
1989-02-06 The Front Phish 3 *** Walk Away
1989-02-18 Old Stone Church Phish 1 Possum ***
1989-03-03 Living and Learning Center, ... Phish 1 Alumni ***
1989-03-04 The Wetlands Preserve Phish 1 Golgi ***
1989-03-14 Nectar's Phish 3 YEM ***
1989-04-15 Billings Lounge, UVM Phish 2 Fluffhead > ***
1989-05-01 Pearl Street Ballroom Phish 1 Golgi ***
1989-05-05 Sigma Phi House, Hamilton Co... Phish 2 'A' Train McGrupp
1989-05-20 Northfield/Mt. Hermon School... Phish e *** ***
1989-05-27 Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity Phish 1 Gin ***
1989-06-10 The Living Room Phish 1 Foam ***
1989-06-23 The Paradise Phish e Contact > ***
1989-09-21 Pearl Street Ballroom Phish e *** ***
1989-10-06 The Paradise Phish e *** ***
1989-10-07 Chase Hall, Bates College Phish 1 Alumni ***
1989-10-14 The Barn, Hobart College Phish 1 Makisupa > ***
1989-10-22 The Front Phish 1 IDK > ***
1989-10-28 The Chance Phish 1 Highway to Hell Dinner and a Movie
1989-11-02 Memorial Union Building Phish 1 Esther > ***
1989-11-09 Mission Park Dining Hall, Wi... Phish 1 'A' Train ***
1989-12-01 The Paradise Phish 1 Hood ***
1989-12-15 Ukrainian National Home Phish 1 YEM ***
1990-02-08 The Jade Elephant Phish 1 *** Possum
1990-02-23 Dining Center, Haverford Col... Phish e IDK ***
1990-03-01 Toad's Place Phish 2 Lizards Foam
1990-03-08 Aiko's Phish e Contact ***
1990-03-17 23 East Cabaret Phish e *** ***
1990-03-28 Beta Hockey Team Party Phish 1 YEM ***
1990-04-04 Quigley's, University of Col... Phish 2 IDK ***
1990-04-06 El Dorado Café Phish 2 Alumni ***
1990-04-12 The Inferno Phish 1 Divided ***
1990-05-10 Pearl Street Ballroom Phish 2 Bag ***
1990-05-11 The Living Room Phish 2 Love You ***
1990-05-19 The Upper, St. Paul's School Phish 2 JJLC ***
1990-05-24 The Brewery Phish e *** ***
1990-05-25 The Old Post Office Phish 1 Bouncin' Reba
1990-05-30 The Pterodactyl Club Phish e *** ***
1990-05-31 The Georgia Theatre Phish 1 Suzy ***
1990-06-02 Greenstreets Phish e Contact ***
1990-06-05 Cat's Cradle Phish 2 Curtis Loew ***
1990-06-07 The Bayou Phish 1 Lizards ***
1990-06-09 The Wetlands Preserve Phish 2 Harpua ***
1990-06-16 Townshend Family Park Phish e2 *** ***
1990-10-03 Thunderbird's Phish 2 Gumbo Magilla
1990-10-05 Skidmore Gymnasium, Skidmore... Phish e *** ***
1990-10-07 Club Bene Phish 2 Lizards > Golgi
1990-10-12 Cat's Cradle Phish e Carolina ***
1990-10-13 Greenstreets Phish 1 Contact ***
1990-10-19 The Cotton Club Phish 1 Suzy ***
1990-10-20 Solomon's Phish 1 Possum ***
1990-10-22 Tipitina's Phish e If I Only Had a Brain ***
1990-10-30 El Dorado Café Phish e Lizards Contact
1990-11-03 Boulder Theater Phish 1 YEM ***
1990-11-06 The Cabooze Phish 1 IDK ***
1990-11-10 Earlham College Phish 2 HYHU ***
1990-11-17 Somerville Theatre Phish 2 Donna Lee ***
1990-11-24 The Capitol Theatre Phish 2 HYHU BBFCFM Incomplete; Trey aborted the son...
1990-11-28 Clement's Brew Pub Phish 1 YEM ***
1991-02-26 The Barrel House Phish e HYHU ***
1991-03-07 The Gin Phish 1 MSO ***
1991-03-09 Tipitina's Phish e2 *** ***
1991-03-29 DNA Lounge Phish e2 *** ***
1991-04-05 Starry Night Phish 2 MSO *** (Heartbreaker tease)
1991-04-12 Barrymore Theatre Phish 2 MSO ***
1991-04-16 Rick's Café Phish e HYHU ***
1991-04-27 The Capitol Theatre Phish e Bouncin' > ***
1991-05-16 The Sting Phish 2 Lizards ***
1991-09-30 The Dugout Lounge, Ohio Univ... Phish e *** ***
1991-10-19 The Catalyst Phish e *** ***
1991-11-14 Cat's Cradle Phish e Bouncin' ***
1992-03-14 Roseland Ballroom Phish e Sleeping Monkey *** John Popper on harmonica.
1992-04-01 Liberty Hall Phish e2 Lawn Boy *** (Heartbreaker tease)
1992-05-01 The Rave Phish e Lawn Boy ***
1992-05-06 St. Andrew's Hall Phish e Carolina ***
1992-05-17 Achilles Rink, Union College Phish e Lawn Boy > ***
1992-06-28 Roskilde Festival Phish e IDK ***
1992-07-31 Blossom Music Center Phish 1 YEM ***
1992-11-20 Palace Theatre Phish e Sweet Adeline ***
1992-12-01 Livingston Gymnasium, Deniso... Phish e *** ***
1992-12-05 The Vic Theatre Phish e Memories ***
1992-12-11 Michigan Theater Phish e Contact ***
1992-12-31 Matthews Arena, Northeastern... Phish 2 Glide ***
1993-02-04 Providence Performing Arts C... Phish e Amazing Grace ***
1993-02-12 Mid-Hudson Civic Center Phish e Amazing Grace ***
1993-02-17 Benton Convention Center Phish e Carolina ***
1993-02-21 Roxy Theatre Phish e Sweet Adeline -> Paul and Silas Performed bluegrass-style; The "...
1993-02-25 The Cameo Theatre Phish e Amazing Grace ***
1993-03-05 Deep Ellum Live Phish e *** ***
1993-03-18 The Palace Phish e *** ***
1993-03-24 Luther Burbank Center for th... Phish 2 HYHU ***
1993-04-03 86th Street Music Hall Phish e *** ***
1993-04-10 Aragon Ballroom Phish e Amazing Grace ***
1993-04-24 Cheel Arena, Clarkson Univer... Phish e Amazing Grace ***
1993-05-29 Laguna Seca Raceway Phish e *** ***
1993-07-17 The Filene Center at Wolf Trap Phish 2 Rift ***
1993-07-24 Great Woods Phish 2 Daniel Saw the Stone > ***
1993-07-29 Tennessee Theatre Phish 2 Daniel Saw the Stone > ***
1993-08-08 Nautica Stage Phish 2 Daniel Saw the Stone ***
1993-08-16 American Theater Phish 2 'A' Train > ***
1993-08-25 Paramount Theatre Phish 2 Coil ***
1993-12-30 Cumberland County Civic Center Phish e Rocky Top > ***
1994-04-13 Beacon Theatre Phish e Sweet Adeline ***
1994-04-18 Bob Carpenter Center Phish e *** ***
1994-04-24 Grady Cole Center Phish 2 Contact ***
1994-04-28 SunFest Phish 1 Sparkle ***
1994-05-08 The Backyard Phish 2 Halley's > ***
1994-05-13 Hayden Square Phish 2 HYHU ***
1994-05-26 Warfield Theatre Phish e *** ***
1994-05-29 Laguna Seca Raceway Phish e2 Hood ***
1994-06-16 State Theatre Phish e Amazing Grace *** (Heartbreaker tease)
1994-07-05 Congress Center Phish e *** ***
1994-10-12 Orpheum Theatre Phish e *** ***
1994-10-23 Band Shell, Phish 2 Fee ***
1994-11-19 Indiana University Auditorium Phish 2 Amazing Grace ***
1994-11-25 UIC Pavilion, University of ... Phish e *** ***
1994-12-04 Acker Gym, Chico State Unive... Phish 2 HYHU ***
1994-12-10 Civic Auditorium Phish e Chalk Dust Torture Reprise ***
1994-12-29 Providence Civic Center Phish 2 HYHU *** (Heartbreaker and Stairway to Heaven teases )
1995-06-08 The Delta Center Phish e *** ***
1995-06-23 Waterloo Village Phish 2 Llama *** John Popper on harmonica.
1995-09-30 Shoreline Amphitheatre Phish e Amazing Grace ***
1995-10-21 Pershing Auditorium Phish 1 Acoustic Army -> Tweeprise
1995-11-11 The Fox Theatre Phish e Acoustic Army *** (Heartbreaker tease)
1995-11-21 Lawrence Joel Veterans Memor... Phish e *** ***
1995-12-08 CSU Convocation Center Phish 1 Caspian ***
1995-12-15 CoreStates Spectrum Phish e *** -> Tweeprise
1996-07-10 Le Zenith Phish 1 Hello My Baby ***
1996-10-29 Leon County Civic Center Phish e *** *** Karl Perazzo on percussion.
1996-11-13 Target Center Phish e *** ***
1996-11-23 Pacific Coliseum Phish e *** ***
1996-12-06 The Aladdin Theatre Phish 2 Sweet Adeline ***
1996-12-30 FleetCenter Phish 1 Theme > ***
1997-02-23 Fillmore Phish 2 HYHU *** (Tweezer Reprise tease)
1997-07-05 Piazza Risorgimento Phish 1 Character Zero > *** (Walk This Way tease)
1997-08-10 Deer Creek Phish 2 Cities -> -> Rotation Jam
1997-12-13 Pepsi Arena Phish 1 Tube ***
1997-12-29 MSG Phish e *** ***
1998-07-10 Zeleste Phish 2 Sample > ***
1998-07-26 Starplex Amphitheatre Phish 1 Funky Bitch ***
1998-11-13 CSU Convocation Center Phish e *** ***
1998-11-25 Pepsi Arena Phish 1 Driver ***
1998-12-28 MSG Phish 1 Golgi > ***
1999-12-30 Big Cypress Phish 2 Hood > ***
2000-06-13 Club Quattro Phish e Brian and Robert ***
2000-07-04 E Centre Phish e Lawn Boy *** (Heartbreaker tease)
2000-09-11 Tweeter Center Phish e *** ***
2003-07-21 Verizon Wireless Music Center Phish 2 LxL > ***
2003-08-03 Loring Commerce Centre Phish e *** ***
2003-12-01 Pepsi Arena Phish 1 Wolfman's > ***
2003-12-29 American Airlines Arena Phish 2 Divided ***
2004-06-20 SPAC Phish e *** ***
2009-05-31 Fenway Park Phish e Cavern Tweeprise
2009-08-08 The Gorge Phish e *** Tweeprise
2009-08-15 Merriweather Phish e *** Tweeprise
2009-11-22 War Memorial at Oncenter Phish e *** ***
2010-06-26 Merriweather Phish e Show of Life ***
2010-08-06 William Randolph Hearst Gree... Phish e *** ***
2010-10-20 Utica Memorial Auditorium Phish e *** ***
2010-10-30 Boardwalk Hall Phish 2 BDTNL > ***
2011-06-03 Pine Knob Phish e *** ***
2011-06-08 Darien Lake Phish e *** ***
2011-06-18 Walnut Creek Phish e *** ***
2011-08-10 Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at ... Phish e Show of Life > ***
2011-12-30 MSG Phish e Boogie On ***
2012-06-16 Bader Field Phish e *** *** (Crosseyed and Painless quote)
2012-06-30 Alpine Valley Phish e *** ***
2012-07-07 SPAC Phish 1 Gin ***
2012-08-15 Long Beach Arena Phish 2 Hood > ***
2012-08-24 Oak Mountain Amphitheatre Phish e *** ***
2012-12-28 MSG Phish e Bouncin' ***
2013-07-10 PNC Bank Arts Center Phish 2 Light > > Slave
2013-07-13 Merriweather Phish e Waste > ***
2013-07-20 Northerly Island Phish 3 Hood > ***
2013-07-27 The Gorge Phish e Show of Life > ***
2013-10-25 DCU Center Phish e Rocky Top > ***
2013-10-29 Santander Arena Phish e Reba ***
2014-07-29 nTelos Pavilion Phish 1 SOAMelt ***
2015-01-03 American Airlines Arena Phish e *** ***
2015-03-05 Dinosaur Bar-B-Que Castle Creek 1 *** Come Together Fish on drums.
2015-08-07 Blossom Music Center Phish e *** ***
2016-06-25 Wrigley Field Phish 1 Cavern > ***
2016-07-15 The Gorge Phish e Wilson > *** (Ramble On tease)
2016-10-15 North Charleston Coliseum Phish e *** ***
2016-10-25 Verizon Theatre at Grand Pra... Phish 2 Julius ***
2016-12-28 MSG Phish e *** ***
2017-07-21 MSG Phish e Mango > ***
2018-11-02 MGM Grand Phish e HYHU ***
2019-07-14 Alpine Valley Phish 1 IDK ***
2019-12-04 Petersen Events Center Phish 2 YEM ***
2020-02-21 Moon Palace Phish 2 Piper > ***
2021-09-03 Dick's Phish e Waste > ***
2022-06-04 Ruoff Music Center Phish 2 The Howling > ***
2023-07-28 MSG Phish e *** ***
2024-07-26 Alpine Valley Phish 2 Silent ***
2025-03-06 Beacon Theatre Trey Anastasio 1 Everything's Right Higher Ground

"Good Times Bad Times" was teased at the following shows

Show Date Artist Song (Tease Type) Venue
1992-04-13 Phish Possum () After the Gold Rush, Tempe, AZ, USA

Blue text indicates this song is in our jam charts.
Yellow indicates you were in attendance.
Gray text indicates that this performance doesn't count for stats purposes. is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.

This project serves to compile, preserve, and protect encyclopedic information about Phish and their music.

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