Cavern as performed by all

Date Venue Artist Set Song Before Song After Notes Comments
1990-03-28 Beta Hockey Team Party Phish 2 Rift Highway to Hell First known performance.
1990-04-05 J.J. McCabe's Phish 2 Fee > Mike's
1990-04-06 El Dorado Café Phish 1 *** YEM
1990-04-09 Fly Me to the Moon Saloon Phish 1 Reba Oh Kee Pa
1990-04-12 The Inferno Phish 1 'A' Train JJLC
1990-04-14 The Inferno Phish 1 Uncle Pen > Divided
1990-04-20 Ramskeller, Colorado State U... Phish 1 Ya Mar Dinner and a Movie
1990-04-22 Cutler Quad, Colorado College Phish 1 IDK MSO (Another One Bites the Dust tease)
1990-04-26 Dionysus Club, The 'Sco, Obe... Phish 2 Suzy Sweet Adeline
1990-04-28 The Strand Theater Phish 2 *** Hood
1990-09-14 The Living Room Phish 2 Magilla Lizards
1990-10-04 Field House, UNH Phish 2 Magilla YEM
1990-10-08 The Bayou Phish 1 Foam Reba
1990-10-10 Trax Phish 1 Divided Oh Kee Pa
1990-10-12 Cat's Cradle Phish 1 Uncle Pen Esther
1990-10-17 The Pterodactyl Club Phish 1 *** Asse Festival
1990-10-18 The Georgia Theatre Phish 1 Uncle Pen IDK
1990-10-19 The Cotton Club Phish 1 Magilla > Possum
1990-10-20 Solomon's Phish 1 Uncle Pen Possum
1990-10-22 Tipitina's Phish 1 Divided ***
1990-10-25 The Showbar Phish 1 Buried Alive Uncle Pen
1990-10-26 Cannibal Club Phish 1 Oh Kee Pa > Possum
1990-10-30 El Dorado Café Phish 1 Uncle Pen Coil
1990-10-31 Armstrong Hall Phish 1 MSO > Antelope
1990-11-02 Glenn Miller Ballroom, Unive... Phish 1 Esther > Asse Festival
1990-11-06 The Cabooze Phish 1 Landlady Uncle Pen
1990-11-10 Earlham College Phish 1 Runaway Jim MSO
1990-11-15 Lengyel Gym, University of M... Phish 2 Eliza Stash
1990-11-17 Somerville Theatre Phish 1 YEM Eliza
1990-12-01 The Front Phish 1 *** Landlady
1990-12-07 Robert Crown Center, Hampshi... Phish 2 Donna Lee Tweezer
1990-12-08 The Chance Phish 1 Divided > Eliza
1990-12-29 Campus Club Phish 2 Lizards Stash
1991-02-01 Alumnae Hall Phish 2 Mango Alumni
1991-02-03 The Front Phish 2 Landlady > Mango
1991-02-04 The Front Phish 2 Funky Bitch Let's Go Trey flubbed the lyrics.
1991-02-07 Pickle Barrel Pub Phish 2 Uncle Pen Let's Go
1991-02-08 The Music Hall Phish 2 Mango Lawn Boy
1991-02-09 John M. Greene Hall, Smith C... Phish 2 Hood Let's Go
1991-02-14 State Theatre Of Ithaca Phish 1 Destiny Mango
1991-02-16 The Marquee Phish 1 Divided 'A' Train
1991-02-20 Kahootz Phish 1 Buried Alive > > Possum
1991-02-21 Trax Phish 2 Golgi > Landlady
1991-02-26 The Barrel House Phish 1 *** Foam
1991-02-27 Arnold’s Flamingo Grill Phish 2 Buried Alive > Coil
1991-02-28 Sarratt Student Center, Vand... Phish 1 Weekapaug > TMWSIY
1991-03-01 The Georgia Theatre Phish 1 Divided Coil
1991-03-06 New Daisy Theatre Phish 1 Possum Divided
1991-03-09 Tipitina's Phish 1 Divided > Reba
1991-03-13 Boulder Theater Phish 1 YEM > Divided
1991-03-15 Gothic Theatre Phish 2 Paul and Silas Destiny
1991-03-16 Ten Mile Room Phish 2 Coil > YEM
1991-03-22 The Inferno Phish 1 Buried Alive > > Reba
1991-03-23 The Inferno Phish 2 Uncle Pen Bowie
1991-03-28 The Catalyst Phish 1 Divided Landlady
1991-03-31 Berkeley Square Phish 1 Buried Alive > Runaway Jim
1991-04-02 International Beer Garden Phish 2 Lawn Boy > > Fluffhead
1991-04-03 Britt Ballroom Phish e *** > Rocky Top
1991-04-05 Starry Night Phish 1 Divided > 'A' Train
1991-04-11 The Cave, Carleton College Phish 1 Runaway Jim Paul and Silas
1991-04-12 Barrymore Theatre Phish 2 Fluffhead > > Tela
1991-04-16 Rick's Café Phish 1 Paul and Silas Mango
1991-04-19 Nietzsche’s Phish 1 Divided Lizards
1991-04-20 Douglass Dining Center, Univ... Phish 2 Paul and Silas > TMWSIY
1991-04-21 SUNY Potsdam Phish 2 Hood ***
1991-04-25 Field House, UNH Phish 1 Curtain > > Poor Heart
1991-04-27 The Capitol Theatre Phish 1 Runaway Jim > Landlady
1991-05-02 The Chance Phish 1 Coil > Bowie
1991-05-04 Somerville Theatre Phish 1 Suzy > Reba
1991-05-10 Page Commons Room, Student C... Phish 1 Bowie > Ya Mar
1991-05-11 The Front Phish 1 Coil > > Divided
1991-05-16 The Sting Phish 1 Foam Divided
1991-05-17 Campus Club Phish 2 Magilla Hood Carl Gerhard on trumpet.
1991-05-18 The Marquee Phish 1 Divided > Possum
1991-05-19 Salisbury School Phish 1 YEM Coil
1991-07-11 Battery Park Phish 2 Dinner and a Movie > > TMWSIY Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-12 The Colonial Theatre Phish 1 Rocky Top Bowie Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-14 Townshend Family Park Phish 2 Magilla > > Antelope Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-15 The Academy Phish 1 Lizards > Coil Giant Country Horns; Trey botche...
1991-07-18 Hampton Casino Ballroom Phish 1 'A' Train > Mike's Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-19 Somerville Theatre Phish 1 Fee > Coil Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-21 Arrowhead Ranch Phish 1 *** > Divided Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-23 The Bayou Phish 2 Reba > Lizards Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-24 Trax Phish 1 Landlady Tela Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-25 Cat's Cradle Phish 1 Sweet Adeline > Antelope Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-26 The Georgia Theatre Phish 1 Suzy TMWSIY Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-27 Variety Playhouse Phish 1 Suzy Flat Fee Giant Country Horns.
1991-08-03 Amy's Farm Phish 2 Esther > IDK
1991-09-25 The Colonial Theatre Phish 2 Sparkle JJLC Carl Gerhard on trumpet.
1991-09-27 The Warehouse Phish 1 Runaway Jim > Reba
1991-09-28 The Rink Phish 2 Sparkle > Antelope
1991-09-29 The Agora Ballroom Phish 1 *** Divided
1991-09-30 The Dugout Lounge, Ohio Univ... Phish 2 Possum Mango
1991-10-02 The Cubby Bear Phish 1 Poor Heart > > Reba
1991-10-03 Mabel's Phish 1 Divided Possum
1991-10-04 Barrymore Theatre Phish 1 Poor Heart > > Divided
1991-10-06 Cochran Lounge, Student Unio... Phish 2 IDK Coil
1991-10-10 EMU Ballroom, University of ... Phish 2 Poor Heart > Antelope
1991-10-11 Backstage Phish 2 Curtain > Foam
1991-10-17 Great American Music Hall Phish 1 Divided Poor Heart
1991-10-18 Great American Music Hall Phish 2 MSO ***
1991-10-23 Chuy's Phish 1 Runaway Jim ***
1991-10-26 Club West Phish 1 *** Landlady
1991-10-28 Elk Ballroom Phish 1 Runaway Jim Poor Heart
1991-10-30 Boulder Theater Phish 1 Runaway Jim Sparkle
1991-11-01 Gothic Theatre Phish 2 Tela Poor Heart
1991-11-07 Tipitina's Phish 1 Sparkle > It's Ice
1991-11-10 Music Farm Phish 1 YEM *** Simpsons signal.
1991-11-12 The Georgia Theatre Phish 2 Magilla > > HYHU
1991-11-13 Love Auditorium, Davidson Co... Phish 1 Esther > > Rhombus Narration
1991-11-15 Trax Phish 1 Sparkle Curtain
1991-11-16 The Bayou Phish 1 Ya Mar ***
1991-11-19 The Sting Phish 2 Dinner and a Movie > > Bowie
1991-11-20 Campus Club Phish 2 HYHU *** Carl Gerhard on trumpet.
1991-11-22 Sullivan Gymnasium, Universi... Phish 1 Possum > Sparkle
1991-11-24 Webster Hall, Dartmouth College Phish 2 Divided > Mango
1991-11-30 The Capitol Theatre Phish 1 Divided Coil
1991-12-04 E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium, S... Phish 1 Runaway Jim Poor Heart
1991-12-05 Greenfield Armory Castle Phish e Glide ***
1991-12-07 The Music Hall Phish 1 Curtain > > Mango
1991-12-31 Worcester Memorial Auditorium Phish 2 Reba MSO
1992-03-06 The Music Hall Phish 1 Rift Sparkle
1992-03-11 The Colonial Theatre Phish 1 Divided ***
1992-03-12 The Flynn Theatre Phish 2 MSO > ***
1992-03-14 Roseland Ballroom Phish 1 Runaway Jim > Reba
1992-03-17 Lisner Auditorium, George Wa... Phish 1 Possum Sparkle
1992-03-20 Broome County Forum Phish 2 Mango > Uncle Pen
1992-03-24 Flood Zone Phish 2 Hood *** Carl Gerhard on cornet.
1992-03-26 Ziggy's Phish 2 Lizards > Cold as Ice
1992-03-28 Variety Playhouse Phish 1 Glide > ***
1992-03-30 Mississippi Nights Phish 1 Runaway Jim ***
1992-03-31 The Blue Note Phish 2 Lizards Dinner and a Movie
1992-04-04 Balch Fieldhouse Phish 2 Harpua ***
1992-04-06 Paul Wright Gym, Western Sta... Phish 2 Uncle Pen *** Segments performed bluegrass sty...
1992-04-08 El Rey Theater Phish 2 Cold as Ice ***
1992-04-12 Arizona Ballroom Phish 2 Hood ***
1992-04-15 Variety Arts Center Phish 1 Uncle Pen IDK
1992-04-17 Warfield Theatre Phish 1 IDK Reba
1992-04-19 The Catalyst Phish e Sleeping Monkey > ***
1992-04-21 Redwood Acres Fairgrounds Phish e *** ***
1992-04-23 Oz Nightclub Phish 1 *** > Curtain
1992-04-24 Roseland Theater Phish 2 Bowie > Ya Mar
1992-04-25 Campus Rec Center Phish e Sweet Adeline ***
1992-04-30 Barrymore Theatre Phish e Carolina ***
1992-05-02 Cabaret Metro Phish 2 Cold as Ice ***
1992-05-05 Bogart's Phish 2 Coil ***
1992-05-06 St. Andrew's Hall Phish 1 Sparkle ***
1992-05-08 The Riviera Theatre Phish 1 Curtain > Reba
1992-05-10 UMass Campus Pond Phish 1 Uncle Pen Reba
1992-05-12 St. Lawrence University Phish 2 Llama ***
1992-05-14 The Capitol Theatre Phish 2 Glide Rift
1992-05-15 Lonestar Roadhouse Phish 1 Foam Sparkle
1992-05-16 The Orpheum Theatre Phish 1 Lizards > Bowie
1992-05-17 Achilles Rink, Union College Phish 2 Hood ***
1992-05-18 The Flynn Theatre Phish 2 Rift > Cold as Ice
1992-06-19 Stadtpark Phish 1 Sparkle > YEM
1992-06-24 Resi Phish 1 Sparkle Rocky Top
1992-07-01 Ancienne Belgique Phish 1 Curtain > Rift
1992-07-10 Empire Court Phish 1 Lizards > Vacuum Solo
1992-07-10 Empire Court Phish 1 Vacuum Solo > Antelope
1992-07-11 Garden State Arts Center Phish 1 Coil > Vacuum Solo
1992-07-11 Garden State Arts Center Phish 1 Vacuum Solo > YEM
1992-07-14 The Boathouse Phish 1 Poor Heart > ***
1992-07-22 Holman Stadium Phish 1 Rift Bowie
1992-08-02 Riverport Amphitheater Phish 1 Bowie Sweet Adeline
1992-08-17 The Coach House Phish 2 Over the Rainbow *** (Over the Rainbow tease)
1992-08-23 Colorado State Fair, Pueblo ... Phish 1 Runaway Jim > Llama
1992-10-30 Boston Garden Phish 1 Rift > > Vacuum Solo
1992-10-30 Boston Garden Phish 1 Vacuum Solo > Coil
1992-11-19 Ross Arena, St. Michael's Co... Phish 2 HYHU *** (Axilla tease)
1992-11-23 Broome County Forum Phish 2 HYHU ***
1992-11-25 Keswick Theatre Phish 1 Coil > Sweet Adeline
1992-11-25 Keswick Theatre Phish 1 Sweet Adeline > Antelope
1992-11-27 The Capitol Theatre Phish 2 'A' Train > *** (Voodoo Child (Slight Return) and Purple Haze teases )
1992-11-30 Metropol Phish 2 HYHU ***
1992-12-01 Livingston Gymnasium, Deniso... Phish 1 Rift Fluffhead
1992-12-03 Bogart's Phish 2 'A' Train > ***
1992-12-04 Mississippi Nights Phish 1 Mockingbird > ***
1992-12-06 The Vic Theatre Phish 2 Carolina ***
1992-12-10 State Theater Phish 1 Sweet Adeline ***
1992-12-12 The Spectrum Phish 1 Sparkle > Reba
1992-12-13 Le Spectrum Phish 2 Hood ***
1992-12-28 Palace Theatre Phish 2 Hood ***
1992-12-31 Matthews Arena, Northeastern... Phish 1 Divided Foam
1993-02-04 Providence Performing Arts C... Phish 2 Hood ***
1993-02-09 Auditorium Theatre Phish e *** > Rocky Top
1993-02-11 Haas Center for the Arts Phish 2 Lizards ***
1993-02-13 Bob Carpenter Center Phish 2 Coil ***
1993-02-18 Electric Ballroom Phish 1 Sparkle > > Reba
1993-02-20 Roxy Theatre Phish 1 Fluffhead ***
1993-02-22 The Moon Phish 1 Foam IDK
1993-02-25 The Cameo Theatre Phish 1 Poor Heart > Maze
1993-02-26 Ritz Theatre Phish 1 IDK > ***
1993-03-03 Tipitina's Phish 1 Lawn Boy *** Carl Gerhard on trumpet.
1993-03-05 Deep Ellum Live Phish 1 Poor Heart > Foam
1993-03-08 Sweeney Center Phish 2 Poor Heart > Uncle Pen
1993-03-12 Dobson Arena Phish 1 Poor Heart > > Possum
1993-03-16 Celebrity Theatre Phish 1 McGrupp ***
1993-03-18 The Palace Phish 2 Coil ***
1993-03-19 The Greek Theatre Phish 1 Fluffhead > Antelope
1993-03-21 Ventura Theatre Phish 2 Hood ***
1993-03-24 Luther Burbank Center for th... Phish 1 Amazing Grace ***
1993-03-26 Warfield Theatre Phish 1 Divided ***
1993-03-30 Hilton Ballroom Phish 1 Divided ***
1993-04-01 Roseland Theater Phish 2 HYHU ***
1993-04-03 86th Street Music Hall Phish 2 HYHU *** (Walk This Way tease)
1993-04-09 State Theatre Phish 1 Divided *** (Walk This Way tease)
1993-04-10 Aragon Ballroom Phish 2 Hoochie Coochie Man *** Sugar Blue on harmonica.
1993-04-13 Memorial Hall Phish 1 Caravan ***
1993-04-16 The Macauley Theater Phish 1 Hood ***
1993-04-18 Michigan Theater Phish 1 IDK ***
1993-04-21 Newport Music Hall Phish e Sweet Adeline ***
1993-04-24 Cheel Arena, Clarkson Univer... Phish 2 Hood ***
1993-04-27 Concert Hall Phish 2 HYHU *** (Stairway to Heaven and The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald quotes )
1993-04-30 Sports Center, University of... Phish 1 Divided Lawn Boy (Divided Sky tease)
1993-05-01 Tower Theatre Phish 2 Weekapaug ***
1993-05-03 State Theatre Phish 1 Lawn Boy > ***
1993-05-05 Palace Theatre Phish e Amazing Grace > 'A' Train
1993-05-05 Palace Theatre Phish e 'A' Train > ***
1993-05-08 Field House, UNH Phish 1 Satin Doll > ***
1993-05-29 Laguna Seca Raceway Phish 1 Sparkle > > Vacuum Solo
1993-05-29 Laguna Seca Raceway Phish 1 Vacuum Solo > > BBJ
1993-07-16 The Mann Phish 2 Hood ***
1993-07-18 IC Light Amphitheater Phish 1 Uncle Pen ***
1993-07-23 Jones Beach Phish 1 Lawn Boy > *** (Stairway to Heaven tease)
1993-07-25 Waterloo Village Phish e *** ***
1993-07-28 Grady Cole Center Phish 1 Poor Heart > ***
1993-07-30 The Veranda at Starwood Phish 1 Reba *** (Entrance of the Gladiators tease)
1993-07-31 Masquerade Music Park Phish 1 Divided ***
1993-08-03 Bayfront Park Amphitheater Phish 1 Llama ***
1993-08-07 Darien Lake Phish 1 Mockingbird > *** (Charge! and Purple Haze teases )
1993-08-11 Eastbrook Theatre Phish 1 Sparkle > ***
1993-08-14 World Music Theatre Phish 1 Poor Heart > ***
1993-08-17 Memorial Hall Phish 2 MSO ***
1993-08-20 Red Rocks Amphitheatre Phish 2 HYHU ***
1993-08-25 Paramount Theatre Phish 1 Glide ***
1993-12-29 New Haven Veterans Memorial ... Phish e Nellie Kane > ***
1994-04-04 The Flynn Theatre Phish e Hood *** Old lyrics. Carl Gerhard on trum...
1994-04-06 Concert Hall Phish 2 Coil ***
1994-04-09 Broome County Veterans Memor... Phish 2 Slave ***
1994-04-11 Snively Arena, University of... Phish 1 Divided ***
1994-04-15 Beacon Theatre Phish 2 HYHU *** Giant Country Horns.
1994-04-17 Patriot Center, George Mason... Phish 1 MSO > *** (Purple Haze tease)
1994-04-18 Bob Carpenter Center Phish 2 HYHU ***
1994-04-21 Lawrence Joel Veterans Memor... Phish 1 If I Could > ***
1994-04-29 Boatyard Village Pavilion Phish 2 HYHU ***
1994-05-02 Five Points South Music Hall Phish e *** *** (Stairway to Heaven tease)
1994-05-04 State Palace Theatre Phish e Caravan > *** Cosmic Country Horns. (Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat) tease)
1994-05-08 The Backyard Phish 2 Julius > YEM
1994-05-10 Paolo Soleri Amphitheatre Phish 1 If I Could ***
1994-05-14 Montezuma Hall, SDSU Phish 2 Lizards ***
1994-05-19 Silva Concert Hall, Hult Cen... Phish 1 Mango > ***
1994-05-23 Civic Auditorium Phish 1 Reba ***
1994-05-26 Warfield Theatre Phish 1 Poor Heart > Demand
1994-05-28 Laguna Seca Raceway Phish 1 Maze ***
1994-06-10 Red Rocks Amphitheatre Phish 1 Lizards Julius (Voodoo Child (Slight Return) and Purple Haze teases )
1994-06-13 Memorial Hall Phish 2 Esther Reba
1994-06-17 Eagles Ballroom Phish 1 SOAMule ***
1994-06-22 Veterans Memorial Auditorium Phish e Carolina *** (Voodoo Child (Slight Return) tease)
1994-06-24 Murat Theatre Phish 2 Poor Heart Carolina Older, alternate lyrics. Acousti...
1994-06-29 Walnut Creek Phish 2 Suzy > ***
1994-07-01 The Mann Phish 2 Hood ***
1994-07-08 Great Woods Phish e Nellie Kane > ***
1994-07-10 SPAC Phish 1 Julius ***
1994-07-13 Big Birch Phish 2 Possum -> Wilson
1994-07-13 Big Birch Phish 2 Wilson -> > NICU
1994-07-16 Summerstage at Sugarbush North Phish 1 Lizards > Horse
1994-10-07 Stabler Arena, Lehigh Univer... Phish e Foreplay/Long Time ***
1994-10-13 University of Mississippi Phish 2 Foreplay/Long Time ***
1994-10-14 McAlister Auditorium, Tulane... Phish e Ya Mar *** Michael Ray on trumpet and shake...
1994-10-21 Sunrise Musical Theatre Phish e Foreplay/Long Time *** (Foreplay/Long Time tease)
1994-10-27 University Hall, University ... Phish 1 Poor Heart ***
1994-11-03 Mullins Center, University o... Phish 2 Hood ***
1994-11-14 DeVos Hall Phish 1 Lawn Boy > *** (Lawn Boy tease)
1994-11-20 Dane County Coliseum Phish 2 Julius > ***
1994-11-26 The Orpheum Theatre Phish 1 Poor Heart > ***
1994-11-30 Campus Rec Center Phish 2 McGrupp > ***
1994-12-02 Recreation Hall, University ... Phish e *** *** Cosmic Country Horns.
1994-12-03 Event Center Phish 2 Julius *** Cosmic Country Horns.
1994-12-07 Spreckels Theatre Phish e *** ***
1994-12-10 Civic Auditorium Phish 2 Slave > ***
1994-12-30 MSG Phish 1 SOAMule ***
1995-06-09 Red Rocks Amphitheatre Phish 2 SOAMule > Bowie
1995-06-14 Mud Island Amphitheater Phish 1 Mound > Possum
1995-06-19 Deer Creek Phish 1 Rift > > Antelope
1995-06-22 Finger Lakes Performing Arts... Phish 1 Maze Sweet Adeline
1995-06-25 The Mann Phish 2 Amazing Grace ***
1995-06-29 Jones Beach Phish 1 Divided > Rift
1995-07-03 Summerstage at Sugarbush North Phish 1 Free > ***
1995-09-30 Shoreline Amphitheatre Phish 2 HYHU > ***
1995-10-05 Memorial Coliseum Phish 2 SOAMule > > Bowie
1995-10-11 Compton Terrace Amphitheater Phish 1 The Old Home Place > > Divided
1995-10-14 Austin Music Hall Phish 2 SOAMule ***
1995-10-19 Municipal Auditorium Phish 1 Billy Breathes ***
1995-10-22 Assembly Hall Phish 2 Slave > ***
1995-10-24 Dane County Coliseum Phish 2 Contact > ***
1995-11-10 The Fox Theatre Phish 1 Guyute ***
1995-11-14 University of Central Florid... Phish 1 I'm Blue, I'm Lonesome ***
1995-11-18 North Charleston Coliseum Phish 2 BBFCFM ***
1995-11-22 USAir Arena Phish 1 Uncle Pen > Taste That Surrounds
1995-12-01 Hersheypark Arena Phish 1 Stash ***
1995-12-05 Mullins Center, University o... Phish 2 Hood ***
1995-12-11 Cumberland County Civic Center Phish 1 Julius > ***
1995-12-16 Olympic Center Phish 2 SOAMule > Mike's
1995-12-30 MSG Phish 2 SOAMule > > Antelope
1996-04-26 New Orleans Fairgrounds Phish e Hello My Baby *** (The Rover tease)
1996-07-07 Parco Aquatica Phish 1 Uncle Pen > Antelope
1996-07-11 Shepherd's Bush Empire Phish 1 Runaway Jim > Reba
1996-07-13 Dour Festival Phish 1 Runaway Jim > Reba
1996-07-15 La Marna Phish 1 Hood ***
1996-07-22 Tanzbrunnen Phish 1 Poor Heart Maze
1996-07-25 Stadtpark Phish 1 Hood > ***
1996-08-05 Red Rocks Amphitheatre Phish e *** ***
1996-08-10 Alpine Valley Phish 1 Gin ***
1996-10-25 Hampton Coliseum Phish 2 Hood > Star Spangled Banner
1996-11-02 Coral Sky Amphitheater Phish 1 Taste > Stash Karl Perazzo on percussion.
1996-11-11 Van Andel Arena Phish e Waste ***
1996-11-15 Kiel Center Phish 1 Taste > ***
1996-11-22 Spokane Arena Phish 1 Stash ***
1996-11-24 Memorial Coliseum Phish e Ginseng > ***
1996-12-01 Pauley Pavilion, University ... Phish 1 Poor Heart > > CTB
1996-12-29 CoreStates Spectrum Phish 1 Caravan > > Taste
1997-02-16 Alter Wartesaal Phish 1 Waste > > CDT
1997-02-18 Bataclan Phish 1 Beauty of My Dreams > > PYITE
1997-06-14 The S.F.X. Centre Phish 2 Bowie ***
1997-06-20 Divadlo Archa Phish 2 Ginseng > > Twist
1997-06-21 Hurricane Festival Phish 1 Twist > ***
1997-07-03 Serenadenhof Phish 2 Hood > ***
1997-07-26 South Park Meadows Phish e Bouncin' *** Bob Gullotti on a second drum set.
1997-08-10 Deer Creek Phish e *** ***
1997-11-26 Hartford Civic Center Phish e *** *** Original, alternate lyrics.
1997-12-06 The Palace of Auburn Hills Phish 1 Maze ***
1997-12-28 USAir Arena Phish 2 Rocky Top > ***
1998-04-05 Providence Civic Center Phish 2 Jam -> *** Slow, funky version with origina...
1998-07-05 Lucerna Theatre Phish 1 Taste > Reba
1998-07-21 Desert Sky Pavilion Phish 1 Sparkle > > Frankie Says
1998-07-31 Polaris Amphitheater Phish 2 Julius > ***
1998-08-08 Merriweather Phish 2 *** > 2001
1998-08-15 Loring Commerce Centre Phish e Halley's > > Tweeprise
1998-10-30 Thomas & Mack Center Phish 1 Lizards ***
1998-11-08 UIC Pavilion, University of ... Phish 1 Stash ***
1998-11-15 Murphy Center, Middle Tennes... Phish 1 SOAMule > LxL
1998-11-20 Hampton Coliseum Phish e *** *** Carl Gerhard on trumpet.
1998-11-28 The Centrum Phish 2 Tweezer ***
1998-12-31 MSG Phish 1 Ha Ha Ha > ***
1999-07-03 Lakewood Amphitheatre Phish 1 Sparkle > Taste
1999-07-08 GTE Virginia Beach Amphitheater Phish 1 Stash ***
1999-07-16 PNC Bank Arts Center Phish 1 Maze ***
1999-07-25 Deer Creek Phish 1 Boogie On ***
1999-07-30 Naeba Ski Resort Phish 2 Runaway Jim > ***
1999-09-10 The Gorge Phish 2 SOAMelt > > Bowie
1999-09-18 Coors Amphitheatre Phish 2 Frankenstein > ***
1999-09-26 Kiefer UNO Lakefront Arena, ... Phish 1 Mozambique *** Michael Ray on trumpet and Tim G...
1999-10-01 Hilton Coliseum Phish 1 LxL ***
1999-12-11 First Union Spectrum Phish 1 SOAMule ***
2000-05-23 Roseland Ballroom Phish e Boogie On > ***
2000-06-13 Club Quattro Phish 2 Rocky Top > *** Older, alternate lyrics and a dr...
2000-06-24 Lakewood Amphitheatre Phish 1 Strange Design ***
2000-06-30 The Meadows Phish e *** *** (Moby Dick and Tweezer teases )
2000-07-11 Deer Creek Phish 1 Theme > ***
2000-09-09 Pepsi Arena Phish 2 Funky Bitch > ***
2000-09-20 Riverbend Music Center Phish e *** ***
2000-09-27 Fiddler's Green Phish 1 Taste ***
2000-10-04 Coors Amphitheatre Phish 2 Hood > ***
2003-01-02 Hampton Coliseum Phish 2 Antelope > ***
2003-02-21 U.S. Bank Arena Phish 2 Possum > ***
2003-07-17 Verizon Wireless Amphitheate... Phish 2 Waves > Antelope (AC/DC Bag tease)
2003-07-23 Verizon Wireless Music Center Phish 1 Seven Below ***
2003-07-26 HiFi Buys Amphitheatre Phish 2 NICU > > YEM
2003-08-02 Loring Commerce Centre Phish 1 LxL ***
2003-12-02 FleetCenter Phish 1 Hood > BOAF
2003-12-29 American Airlines Arena Phish 1 Poor Heart > ***
2004-06-19 SPAC Phish 2 LxL *** Trey forgot an entire verse. (Purple Haze tease)
2004-06-23 Verizon Wireless Music Center Phish 2 LxL *** (The Rover tease)
2004-08-12 Tweeter Center at the Waterf... Phish 2 Sneakin' Sally > > LxL
2009-05-31 Fenway Park Phish e *** GTBT
2009-06-10 Thompson-Boling Arena Phish 2 Julius > > Hood
2009-08-07 The Gorge Phish 1 Sneakin' Sally > ***
2009-08-16 SPAC Phish 1 Bowie > Possum
2009-10-30 Empire Polo Club Phish 1 Poor Heart Beauty of a Broken Heart
2009-11-18 Cobo Arena Phish 2 Weekapaug ***
2009-11-27 Times Union Center Phish 1 LxL > Light
2009-11-29 Cumberland County Civic Center Phish 2 Golgi > > Antelope
2009-12-02 MSG Phish 1 Divided ***
2009-12-05 John Paul Jones Arena Phish 1 The Old Home Place > > Funky Bitch
2009-12-29 American Airlines Arena Phish 1 Divided ***
2010-06-11 Toyota Park Phish e *** > Julius
2010-06-18 The Comcast Theatre Phish 1 Reba ***
2010-07-01 Walnut Creek Phish 1 Divided ***
2010-08-09 Telluride Town Park Phish 1 Stash > Wedge
2010-08-15 Alpine Valley Phish e Oh! Sweet Nuthin' > > Joy
2010-10-08 Zilker Park Phish e *** > First Tube
2010-10-16 North Charleston Coliseum Phish 1 Pebbles and Marbles > Bowie
2010-10-24 Mullins Center, University o... Phish 1 TTE > Antelope
2010-10-30 Boardwalk Hall Phish 1 KDF Foam
2010-12-27 DCU Center Phish 2 Possum > > Bowie Lyric changed to "take care of y...
2011-02-18 State Theatre Trey Anastasio Band 1 Theme NICU Trey solo acoustic. TAB Debut.
2011-02-22 Terminal 5 Trey Anastasio Band 1 Bouncin' Caspian Trey solo acoustic; with "bitch"...
2011-02-26 Lifestyle Communities Pavilion Trey Anastasio Band 1 Wilson Joy Trey solo acoustic.
2011-03-04 The Music Box Trey Anastasio Band 1 Joy BDTNL Trey solo acoustic.
2011-05-28 Bethel Woods Phish 2 Hood > > Bowie
2011-06-03 Pine Knob Phish 2 2001 > ***
2011-06-10 Susquehanna Bank Center Phish 1 SOAMule Sloth
2011-06-14 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatr... Phish 1 Light Up > ***
2011-07-02 Watkins Glen Phish 3 Hood > > Golgi
2011-08-05 The Gorge Phish 1 My Friend > Taste
2011-08-08 Hollywood Bowl Phish 1 DwD > > Possum
2011-08-12 Polo Fields, Golden Gate Park Phish e *** > Tweeprise
2011-08-17 UIC Pavilion, University of ... Phish 1 Maze > First Tube
2011-09-03 Dick's Phish 2 Julius > > Antelope
2011-09-14 Champlain Valley Exposition Phish 1 Sample > Gin
2011-12-31 MSG Phish 3 *** Steam
2012-06-07 DCU Center Phish 2 Hood > > Buried Alive
2012-06-10 Bonnaroo Phish 1 BDTNL > ***
2012-06-19 nTelos Pavilion Phish 2 Maze > Fire
2012-06-29 Klipsch Music Center Phish e *** > Sanity
2012-07-08 SPAC Phish 2 Hood > > Bowie
2012-08-18 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium Phish 1 SOAMelt ***
2012-08-24 Oak Mountain Amphitheatre Phish 1 Julius > WMGGW
2012-12-29 MSG Phish 2 Bug > > 46 Days
2013-07-03 Darling's Waterfront Pavilion Phish 2 2001 > > Antelope
2013-07-10 PNC Bank Arts Center Phish 2 Rocky Top > *** (Maria tease)
2013-07-16 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatr... Phish 1 Ocelot > > Antelope
2013-07-20 Northerly Island Phish 1 KDF > > Bowie
2013-07-22 Molson Canadian Amphitheatre Phish 2 BDTNL > > Bowie
2013-07-30 Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at ... Phish 1 Jibboo > BOAF
2013-08-05 Hollywood Bowl Phish 1 Ocelot WMGGW
2013-09-01 Dick's Phish 1 Funky Bitch STFTFP
2013-10-18 Hampton Coliseum Phish 2 Sparkle > > Carini
2013-10-25 DCU Center Phish 2 Sneakin' Sally > > Antelope
2013-11-01 Boardwalk Hall Phish 1 *** > Runaway Jim
2013-12-30 MSG Phish 2 Hood > > First Tube
2014-04-26 New Orleans Fairgrounds Phish 2 Hood > Grind
2014-07-01 Xfinity Center Phish 2 Hood ***
2014-07-11 Randall's Island Phish 2 Bowie ***
2014-07-16 Pine Knob Phish 2 Weekapaug > > Piper
2014-07-19 Northerly Island Phish 2 Hood > ***
2014-07-29 nTelos Pavilion Phish 2 Weekapaug > Golgi
2014-08-02 Oak Mountain Amphitheatre Phish 1 Sparkle > Wingsuit
2014-08-30 Dick's Phish 1 Bowie ***
2014-10-18 Key Arena Phish 1 *** Wilson
2015-01-03 American Airlines Arena Phish 1 Divided > SOAMule
2015-07-24 Shoreline Amphitheatre Phish 2 Hood > ***
2015-08-02 Tuscaloosa Amphitheater Phish 1 46 Days > ***
2015-08-11 The Mann Phish 2 Silent > > BDTNL
2015-12-31 MSG Phish e Tube > ***
2016-06-25 Wrigley Field Phish 1 Divided > GTBT
2016-07-15 The Gorge Phish 2 2001 > *** (What's the Use? and Crosseyed and Painless quotes )
2016-07-22 The Forum Phish 1 Stash > Antelope
2016-10-18 Ascend Amphitheater Phish 1 LxL > > 2001
2016-10-28 MGM Grand Phish 1 Wedge WotC
2016-12-28 MSG Phish 1 Stash ***
2017-03-08 Academy of Music Theatre Trey Anastasio 1 Water in the Sky > BDTNL Trey solo acoustic.
2017-07-16 Huntington Bank Pavilion at ... Phish 2 2001 > *** (Carini tease)
2017-07-25 MSG Phish 2 Tuesday > ***
2017-09-01 Dick's Phish 2 Hood > ***
2017-12-29 MSG Phish 1 *** > Blaze On
2018-02-13 Grand Opera House Trey Anastasio 1 Black The Inlaw Josie Wales Trey solo acoustic.
2018-02-17 Knight Theater at Levine Cen... Trey Anastasio 1 LxL Rise/Come Together Trey solo acoustic.
2018-07-21 The Gorge Phish 1 Divided ***
2018-07-28 The Forum Phish 2 Wingsuit > ***
2018-08-31 Dick's Phish 1 Simple > ***
2018-10-20 Hampton Coliseum Phish 2 NMINML > > Jibboo
2018-11-02 MGM Grand Phish 1 *** Beauty of My Dreams
2018-12-05 The Granada Theatre Trey Anastasio 1 *** Sleep Trey solo acoustic.
2018-12-30 MSG Phish e Rocky Top > *** (The Final Hurrah quote)
2019-06-16 Bonnaroo Phish 1 Wolfman's ***
2019-07-10 Mohegan Sun Arena Phish 1 Buried Alive > Dogs Stole Things
2019-09-01 Dick's Phish 2 Waste > > First Tube
2019-10-18 Riverside Theater Trey Anastasio 1 Mercury BDTNL Trey solo acoustic.
2019-10-21 Pablo Center at the Confluence Trey Anastasio 1 Wilson *** Trey solo acoustic.
2019-12-04 Petersen Events Center Phish 2 *** > Runaway Jim
2020-02-20 Moon Palace Phish 1 Antelope > > Beneath a Sea of Stars Part 1
2021-07-09 Trey's Apartment Trey Anastasio 1 Sunset Days Alaska Trey solo acoustic.
2021-07-31 Ameris Bank Amphitheatre Phish e A Life Beyond The Dream ***
2021-08-07 Ruoff Music Center Phish 1 Stash ***
2021-09-03 Dick's Phish e *** > Waste
2021-10-22 Ak-Chin Pavilion Phish e Suzy > ***
2021-12-31 Rock Lititz Phish 1 Slave *** Lyrics changed to "before you sl...
2022-02-26 Moon Palace Phish 1 Wolfman's > ***
2022-05-31 Credit One Stadium Phish 2 Slave > ***
2022-06-03 Ruoff Music Center Phish 1 BOAF ***
2022-07-22 Bethel Woods Phish 2 Possum > ***
2022-08-02 Blossom Music Center Phish 1 Reba ***
2022-12-31 MSG Phish 1 Rift > Tweezer
2023-04-21 Hollywood Bowl Phish 2 YEM ***
2023-07-18 Live Oak Bank Pavilion at Ri... Phish 1 Poor Heart Divided
2023-08-02 MSG Phish 2 *** > Carini Slow, funky version.
2023-09-02 Dick's Phish 1 My Soul > Reba
2023-10-14 United Center Phish 1 Most Events Aren't Planned More
2023-12-31 MSG Phish e *** > First Tube
2024-02-24 Moon Palace Phish 1 Gin -> ***
2024-07-26 Alpine Valley Phish 1 Stash ***
2024-08-09 Bethel Woods Phish 1 NMINML My Friend
2024-12-28 MSG Phish 2 Blaze On > > Bowie
2025-01-30 Moon Palace Phish 1 Runaway Jim > ***

"Cavern" was teased at the following shows

Show Date Artist Song (Tease Type) Venue
1992-08-02 Phish David Bowie () Riverport Amphitheater, Maryland Heights, MO, USA
1995-10-19 Phish Punch You in the Eye () Municipal Auditorium, Kansas City, MO, USA

Blue text indicates this song is in our jam charts.
Yellow indicates you were in attendance.
Gray text indicates that this performance doesn't count for stats purposes. is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.

This project serves to compile, preserve, and protect encyclopedic information about Phish and their music.

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