This show featured the Phish debuts of Gloria (Laura Branigan) and About to Run. Trey teased Gloria in Run Like an Antelope and Suzy Greenberg. The second set opened with Gloria (the St. Louis Blues won the Stanley Cup during setbreak and Gloria had become the team's victory song during the season). Twist contained Woman From Tokyo teases from Page. Trey teased Dave's Energy Guide in Light. The Final Hurrah was quoted in First Tube.

© 2019 Phish (Huemer)

Jam Chart Versions
Gloria tease in Run Like an Antelope, Dave's Energy Guide and Strawberry Letter 23 teases in Light, Gloria tease in Suzy Greenberg, The Final Hurrah quote in First Tube, Woman from Tokyo tease in Twist
Debut Years (Average: 2000)

This show was part of the "2019 Summer Tour"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2019-06-12

Review by yam_ekaj

yam_ekaj wow! what an incredible phish show. let's get right to the review.

first of all, the energy in chaifetz was unreal all night. before the show even started, the blues were out to a 2-0 lead in the Cup, so people were understandably pumped up. phish kept that going with a chalkdust opener. traditional type 1 version, but certainly no complaints here. moma next - again standard, but with extra energy in the room, this version had a little extra heat. next came a, in my opinion, perfectly placed waves. while it changed the energy in the room a bit, it allowed the fans to settle in. some nice playing here from the whole band, particularly page who was on fire tonight. next came a relatively languid sequence of Bouncin, undermind, heavy things -- all played quite nicely. trey has spoken about working on his singing in recent years, and this work became very clear during heavy things--he really sounds great. roggae next, which always begins softly, but the band roared to a wonderful peak during the jam. the energy continued with the first kasvot song of the night, we have come to outlive our brains. love this song of course. funky bitch was absolute fire. again, money playing from page, and a sick bluesy solo from trey. interesting placement for set your soul free--the last 8 times it was played, it was in the final set of the night (set 2 mostly of course, but set 3 on halloween). the only other set 1 appearance was its debut at the gorge in 2018. no big jam here, just a standard type 1 section. i enjoyed the placement - phish always keeping us guessing. at this point, the blues were up 3-0, and you could feel the euphoria in the room. phish followed suit, delivering a rollicking antelope to close the set. trey threw in some gloria teases here in honor of the blues. (gloria is the song the blues 'adopted' during these playoffs, playing it after every home win both in the arena and in the streets.)

setbreak was phenomenal tonight because the blues won the cup. people were going crazy. i'm not from STL myself, but it felt like i was with all the joy in that room. what a great memory for those true blues fans.

people around me were talking about phish opening set 2 with gloria. after trey's teases, i didn't think it would happen, but sure enough, phish delivered again! they must've learned the song during setbreak--such an incredible moment. some of the most joy i've ever felt at a phish show. next came loving CUP (get it?!) at this point, i worried that the show would be a "had to be there" show, where the intrinsic energy in the venue carried the band through the night, and relisten value would be rather low. oh how wrong i was. loving cup, instead of ending the usual way, launched into an epic jam! starting out with some patient funk, trey eventually led the band into a blissful type-2 jam. absolutely awesome to watch phish jam in a place they usually do not. they arrived in the key of G, and trey began twist. and what a twist this was. perhaps it'll be eventually known as "The St. Louis Twist." featuring at least 3 distinct sections, this moved through bluesy type-1, blissful hose jamming, ripping funk, and a final jam section that sounded akin to weekapaug. truly a thrilling, epic phish jam. a must listen, no doubt. next came the second GOTF song of the tour, a raging rendition of about to run. some awesome soloing from trey here; he was clearly loving the energy in the room. next came the TAB favorite mr. completely. i love this song--and like it even more when phish plays it. this jam again went type 2, the third of the set. started with some precise interplay between page, mike and trey as fishman held it down, and then some awesome hose here during the major key section. the end featured the rare fishman "ripcord" (sort of) as he led the band nicely back into the form. on a dime, the band launched into light. this was my favorite jam of the night. another type-2 masterpiece. awesome rhythmic jamming at the beginning, with more awesome interplay between trey and page. here, the song was perhaps still within the general structure of light, but then the band again dove into type-2 territory. some more blissful jamming, before a full key-change for some funk. the jam then "collapsed" in the best way possible (reminded me of a 74 dead jam in a way), with each band member exploring sonic space before returning to the light form. waste cooled us down before suzy brought the celebratory evening to a fitting close.

the encore began with farmhouse, which i can't say i was thrilled about. i love this song, but it works well as a cool-down, not as a part of an encore. but it didn't matter, because after a nice version, the band began first tube, perhaps my favorite oft-encored song. there was some extra enthusiasm from trey here, as he soloed powerfully over the end section, before relishing the opportunity to lead the entire arena in a massive ovation during the final feedback display.

absolutely incredible show. nearly every opportunity they had to jam in the second set, phish delivered, even in places where they wouldn't usually jam. the energy will hopefully come through on the recording, but even if it doesn't, the jams will speak for themselves. if this is phish the second night of tour, we are in for some serious shit going forward.
, attached to 2019-06-12

Review by biedergb

biedergb I don’t give too many 5 stars. But because game 7 was tonight and we heard Gloria ( St. Louis blues victory song for those who don’t know). And they played loving (Stanley) Cup, plus Twist (whether intentional given Tony Twist legacy) it will be my most memorable show.

Let’s go Phish.
And blues.
, attached to 2019-06-12

Review by the_nitty_gritty

the_nitty_gritty Phish taps into moments that matter to people, and to the city of St. Louis, this moment was special. The crowd was chanting “Let’s go Blues” before the encore last night, and from what I hear Trey was at Game 6 (which is where he heard Blues fans singing Gloria). The band fully grasped the moment and responded memorably.

A high energy first 4 songs with Blues up 2-0 instilled confidence. An average Undermind followed by 3 whatevers gave phans a chance to fire up hulu and watch the first period end still up 2-0. Funky Bitch and Set Your Soul Free forced a resurrection of the energy inside the arena, and Antelope came at the perfect time. Barely into the jam, a cry rose up and cheering continued for multiple minutes as the Blues scored the crucial number 3. Kuroda switched to blue and gold, and Trey teased Gloria. If the venue had allowed champagne the corks would have been popping. Before the set ended the Blues had scored a fourth.

At break phans gathered around the concourse in front of concession stand tvs as the internet was worthless with so many people streaming. The minutes counted down, and phans cheered the victory, high fiving strangers and rejoicing in the literal once in a lifetime (51 years!) championship.

I had two conversations pre show in which we swore Phish would not play Gloria. Too cheesy. No way. It would be some combination of Party Time, Loving Cup, and It’s Ice. Well, they played Gloria. Fuck yes! And then Loving Cup - type II !?!?! Hell fucking yes!

In a moment when a not small contingent of phans would have orgasmed should the band play 2001, Phish dropped a Twist. Early reluctance at the decision was rapidly abated by an epic monumental jam recalling 4/2/98.

About to Run was a terrible tone deaf song choice which almost ran the celebration off the rails. Mr. Completely did not do much to help the situation and you could feel the disconnect between phan exhilaration and weirdly dark lyrics. I almost bailed for a concourse break to reconnect with the unrestricted joy of the moment. Then the band played easily the best Light I have ever heard and unquestionably the best jam of the run. Type II perfection where you can simultaneously listen to each of them playing without ignoring anyone. And play they did. The second must listen of the night.

Waste was yet another of the poor song choices from the night, although it was as usual touching and beautiful, given that phans had no interest in hearing a ballad at this point of the evening. Suzy tapped the energy and let Page lead which is always awesome, but I just don’t like Suzy which I know is kind of sacrilege so I was like ok what’s next. However, as Trey said “Thank you St. Louis. Congratulations!” And Fishman yelped, “St. Louis Blues!” At the end, I found myself warmed with joy and intolerant of my own personal preferences. Just enjoy this!

Farmhouse encore was way down my list of “I hope they play” but it was surprisingly moving and I found myself tearing up in gratitude for this night, this memory I would never forget. Eye on the clock I thought this might be it, but Phish once again realizing the moment knew no one gave two shits whether they played past “curfew” tonight in St. Louis, especially after they paid homage to the city with such pure authenticity. So First Tube. Again, hell fucking yes Phish! Trey was way into it, moving and dancing like Santana meets Eddie Van Halen. Outstanding version, with visceral effect changes, and a full realization of the power of this song in the moment.

Unless you are from Boston (or perhaps Chicago) this was a synchronistically stellar conflagration of two major events that resulted in a far more meaningful and memorable experience than otherwise possible. It couldn’t have happened without the incredible chemistry this band has with its phans, or for that matter their just plain common sense awareness of the world and what things mean to people. The story of this show will be without question handed down to generations of phans in St. Louis and frankly much of the midwest. It will live in Phish lore phorever. I love this band and am eternally grateful for everything they have brought to my life and those I love!
, attached to 2019-06-12

Review by aybesea

aybesea The second night in St Louis is a really enjoyable listen. I thoroughly enjoy the second set, especially Gloria through Light. I ran the numbers for the SAT score for this show, and modified them giving a bonus to Gloria and Loving Cup to represent the special nature of these performances in light of the Stanley Cup. The Twist from this show is a real piece of beauty!

SAT Score: 1058.26 with the big contributors being Twist (145.00) and Light (139.70).

I have to say, while St Louis isn't an Earth shattering pair of shows, they are really strong and a great opening to what may be a spectacular tour! At least, that's my hope. Love, love, love this band!
, attached to 2019-06-12

Review by jaosnlikesphun

jaosnlikesphun Set 2 FTW! That Loving Cup > Twist is super right. I also appreciate an early tour Mr. C and then a "bluesy" Forest debut with About to Run. Say what you will about early tour shows but this set is great 3.0 material. As the tour progresses we're seeing four guys, a bit older and wiser, settling in to a different groove, a different Phish... but the wisdom in their playing...oh the wisdom! So much new material and they are using this summer to find their way thru it. I was only at MPP and Bangor shows but definitely appreciated where they were heading, prepping for the next decade. Long live Phish.
, attached to 2019-06-12

Review by topolewb

topolewb This show as one of the show's where you had to be in attendance to fully understand, which we were. The city of St. Louis was a buzz all day in preparation of bringing Lord Stanley home. After spending a beautiful day in town seeing Busch Stadium, going to the top of the Arch, and visiting some local brew pubs, we were ready for Night 2. CDT and Moma opened the night very strong especially with the Blues already ahead in Game 7. Waves slowed us down a bit, but is such a great song. They need to open this one a bit (please listen to Bethel Soundcheck Jam from 2011). Our seats tonight were in Section 108, and we could see Kuroda painting his masterpiece all night which was very cool to watch all night! I always enjoy Undermind, and this one ended with some Fishman antics. Any Kasvot tune works for me, and WACTOOB was no exception. Set Your Soul Free followed, which I thought would be set closer, but more fitting to end the Set was Antelope. This is where the night became extra special. The Blues scored again, and the roar from the crowd was unforgettable. Phish are hockey fans and they know exactly what was going on. Antelope even ended with a Gloria tease which I thought might be a mistake. If the Blues lost, Phish would be the scapegoats for sure. Fortunately the setbreak was spent watching St. Louis win the Cup.
My partner in crime Bob, said there was no way Phish was not going to play Gloria. And sure enough Set 2 opens with Gloria. Page handled the vocals on this full take on the song. Next is the GOAT for Loving Cup. A perfect way to start the Set; celebrating a Stanley Cup win and getting two songs that will not be forgotten anytime soon. Loving Cup jams out and leads us into Twist, which was an incredible version as we found ourselves lost in the Foam many times before Trey brings us back into Twist to remind us what song they are playing. About the Run is one of my favorites from GOTF, and the 1st version Phish version delivers. Mr. Completely starts up next, and can't believe I have seen the last two versions; tonight and 26Jul17. Whoot-whoot! Mr. C and Light do not disappoint, and are both similar to Twist; Bob and I are lost in the Foam during the jams before Trey brings back the song proper. I'll take Waste anytime as a ballad, and Bob loves any song from Billy Breathes. Suzy Greenberg finishes up out with Fishman Blue's antics during the neurologist shouts. This second set was outstanding and Trey was not only playing rockstar on the guitar, but also all over the stage.
Farmhouse is our first encore and I have been very fond of this tune recently. Kuroda's spins very fine and bright white lights to the point where you can stick you hands in-between them in the audience. First Tube closes us out with more rockstar Trey, which is fine with me. I like Passion!
I was so blessed to see the opening two night in St. Louis with Bob. The energy was so amazing both nights, and Phish was on their game, contrary to a few other reports. We are so blessed to have our band playing at this level in 2019. Go see Phish and enjoy every note they play.
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