Monday 05/28/2012 by jackl

GOING TO AC? NEED A FEW GOOD VOLUNTEERS TO HELP MOCKINGBIRD! Foundation needs a few good men and women to volunteer to help out at the upcoming "First Tube" poster show to be held on Saturday, June 16th from 10 am - 3 pm at the Trump Plaza Hotel, Westminster Room, on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City.

We need about six people to work one approximately 2-3 hour shift (~9:30 - 12:15 or ~12:15 - 3:00) at a poster sales table at the show where Mockingbird Foundation, the artists involved and PhanArt Pete Mason will be selling prints and pins to show attendees to benefit the Foundation.

As you probably know, The Mockingbird Foundation is an all volunteer Phish fan charity which was set up in 1997 to benefit music education for kids (we've donated over $720,000 so far), published The Phish Companion books and "adopted" this archival setlist website, in 2001 and operate it to this day on a non-commercial, not for profit basis. Mostly the compensation for helping out is warm fuzzies, but you'll meet a lot of nice people and we'll kick down some stuff from the store and archival T shirts to thank you for helping. If you're interested, please PM me on the site or email with subject line "First Tube volunteer". Thanks for your support!

If you liked this blog post, one way you could "like" it is to make a donation to The Mockingbird Foundation, the sponsor of Support music education for children, and you just might change the world.


, comment by ElPasoPhishHead
ElPasoPhishHead hey all, i was thinking that it would be nice to hear Phish do Harry Nilson for Halloween. Maybe Nilson-Schmillson?
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