Comments on “Prince Caspian” from August 22, 2015

, comment by SidewayJill
SidewayJill This prince caspian is a life changer. Dark and dirty. The five minute and nine minute marks are super sick. One for the books!
, comment by TweezingSpaceRanger
TweezingSpaceRanger This Tweezer> Caspian sequence is the peak of 3.0 Phish so far to me. Other moments that are close include the Dicks Light, 8/19/12 four song second set opening sequence, the Tahoe Tweezer, Hampton Tweeze> GA, and the 1-2-3 Randall's Island punch. I'm sure I'm missing a few, but in terms of a second-for-second ride to the peak and climax of a jam, none of the others listed besides Randall's Island or maybe Tahoe even come close to being as good as this IMO
, comment by CreatureoftheNight
CreatureoftheNight 7:30 brings the return to Tweezer. It's hard for me to give the Prince of Pants all the credit for this fantastic jam.
, comment by n00b100
n00b100 If, in the 20-odd years from when Caspian debuted, you would have said that a) Tweezer -> Caspian were in a show and b) Caspian was the superior jam, you probably would have been burned at the stake for witchcraft. But that's no longer the case, not with the Caspian here, one of the most glorious pieces of hose from a year that, from stem to sternum, was not lacking for glorious pieces of hose in the least. The essential piece to the puzzle that is 8/22/15.
, comment by stash08
stash08 Listen to this. Now! The gift that keeps on giving...and giving...and giving some more. Serious HOSE in this one and a high mark for 3.0 Phish.

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