> Charts > Narration Chart: "Forbin's", 1993-03-22

Credit: team
TREY: So, Mr. Palmer goes down the tubes. Plump! And, that’s the end for him. Things are starting to look pretty bad for the revolution here. So meanwhile, back at the camp, some people are talking. Things are looking worse and worse and basically what it all comes down to is that Colonel Forbin sees an option that no one has seen before. He decides that he is going to go to the mountain, he’s gonna go straight to the source.

So, he’s gonna climb up this mountain here, and he’s gonna try and find Icculus. And no one even knows if Icculus actually exists because this book has been around for so long that it has all become legend. No one has ever dared to go up on the mountain because it is sacred land. But, things have gotten so desperate that Colonel Forbin decides he’s gonna climb up the mountain and try and find Icculus himself. [Page’s soft piano noodling teases “Icculus”] So at this point in time, he leaves the revolution, the revolutionaries, behind, leaves the camp and starts wandering into the forest toward the mountain.

[Phish plays “Colonel Forbin’s Ascent” followed by “Fly Famous Mockingbird,” when Trey immediately returns to the narration.] is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.

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