Monday 08/20/2018 by phishnet


[Some words from Andrew Sinclair, user @aisincl, who was supposed to recap Curveball's third show for this blog. -Ed.]

Of course it is cloudy, windy and rainy on this Sunday morning. Of course Junior’s Donuts in Margate City, NJ would be serving Coconut, Red Velvet and Twist donuts on yet another 2018 weekend interrupted by Mother Nature.

Emotions are a very interesting thing. I credit Pixar for taking a real risk by tackling emotions when it created Inside Out. We got to know Anger, Sadness, Joy, Disgust and Fear and their involvement in our minds and lives. This weekend certainly brought out all of these characters for some 40,000+ of us. As I did some digging on emotions for this piece, I became focused on the “deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.” This entire weekend, last few years of Phandom and total relationship with The Phish from Vermont can be summed up by the bit on relationships with others.



Monday 08/20/2018 by uctweezer


Welcome to the 339th edition of Phish.Net's Mystery Jam Monday, the third of August. The winner will receive a MP3 download code courtesy of our friends at / Nugs.Net. To win, be the first person to identify the songs and dates of the three mystery clips, which are connected by a theme that needn't be part of the correct answer. Each person gets one guess to start – if no one answers correctly in the first 24 hours, a hint will be posted. After the hint, everyone gets one more guess before Wednesday at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET. Good luck!

Hint: After Curveball was canceled, I considered rescheduling this week's MJM.

Answer: And then there were 20! With his 7th win since MJM215 (March 2016), @TwiceBitten enters the MJM Hall of Fame as the twentieth MJM Emeritus – after years of playing along, he knew there was no trap in this week's hint and quickly identified the three "make-up" jams from shows or sets that were rescheduled due to forces beyond the band's control: the 7/22/13 "Down with Disease" (making up for the 7/9/13 show that was canceled due to flooding that closed routes to the venue), the 7/20/13 "Golden Age" (with an extra set announced day-of to make up for the storm that cut the second set short the night before), and the 3/16/91 "You Enjoy Myself" (there was supposed to be a show in Breckenridge on 3/14/91 and another in Vail on 3/16/91, but they had to cancel and reschedule and ended up playing Breckenridge 3/16/91 instead). Boy am I glad this sort of stuff doesn't happen anymore! fuck.

@TwiceBitten wins his 7th LivePhish code, which he'll probably give away, and I will be faxing him some papers regarding his other prizes, which include a 5 minute shopping spree with Trey at a Manhattan boutique men's clothing store, a copy of the Curveball secret set rehearsal videos from the spaceship behind the barn, and a crispy iPhone recording of the 8 hours-a-day FTW rehearsals Trey played with members of JRAD (which Scott Metzger mentioned on the most recent episode of Under the Scales). @TwiceBitten now holds the record for most clips identified in wins by any MJMer in history with 23. In fact, the MJM Emeriti have won 44% of the MJMs all time, and have identified more than half the 600+ jams used in those contests. It's as staggering as it is interesting – it sure seems like just when I think we've run out of savants, another steps up and runs the table. Who's next? Stay tuned for MJM340 on Monday, when we turn back the clock a bit and ramp up the difficulty. is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.

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